
Live the Commission

Premium Sermon
Created by PRO Premium on Oct 9, 2023
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This sermon explores the importance of living out Jesus' commission by following His commands, being guided by the Holy Spirit, and sharing the gift of salvation with the world.

Live the Commission

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Church, I am glad you are here today! Believe it or not, we are in our final week of this series, “All In”. We have been talking about a command from Jesus the last three weeks from Matthew’s Gospel account, one that hopefully you have gleaned truth and encouragement from.

But the command to follow Jesus doesn’t mean much for us if we only understand a part of it. You see, I believe today that God has invited you and I into His family so that He may send us out into the world to invite others into the family as well. Maybe up to this point, you have thought to yourself all this time, “Only the pastors and church staff are the ones reaching people”. Today, my hope is to show you that God has called each follower of Jesus to live sent, to live on mission! If you’re ready to discover this, let’s jump in together!

Main Teaching

To help frame today’s sermon I need to take a moment to talk about the Great Commission, and what exactly it means to be given a commission.

The Great Commission is a term used by Christians to refer to Jesus Christ's instruction to his disciples to spread the Gospel message to all nations. The Great Commission is found in the book of Matthew, chapter 28, verses 18-20. In this passage, Jesus commands his disciples to go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything he has commanded.

Being given a commission typically means that you are being authorized or assigned to perform a specific task or service for someone else.

With those things in mind we understand that Jesus has called us to deny ourselves, pick up our crosses and follow Him as we live out the Great Commission in the day to day events of our lives. Living on mission means a lot of things, not the least of which is that there will be people that oppose the message of life that we bring.

We Will Encounter Hardship

Similarly, the reality with following Jesus and being sent out by Him is that we will encounter hardship as well. We talked a good bit about this in the second week of this series. Jesus calls us to take up our cross and follow Him. He promises us that it will be a tough road ahead for Christians. And we will encounter people in the world who don’t want to do things the way God says is best. This is also the case for those of us who have accepted the call to use our gifts to serve the Lord.

Here’s what Jesus says…

Jesus says that He is sending us out as sheep among wolves ... View this full sermon with PRO Premium

God has invited us to be a part of the story. He has made a way for us to actively participate in spreading the gospel, praying for the sick, and seeing people redeemed by grace.

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