Light Of The World
Contributed by Peter Adigizi David on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: INTRODUCTION: Light is a very important aspect of life, the absence of which speaks of dullness, chaos, confusion. No wonder at the very beginning, God first commanded that there be light before continuing with the work of creation(Gen.1:1-2). God Himself is the Light (Rev 21:22)
Importance of Light:-
• Light gives illumination and direction. Ps 119:105
• No creation OR order until you receive light on the matter Gen 1:1-2, Dan 9:1-2
• Pure, irresistible, all-conquering Jn 1:5, Matt 4: 4-7 Jesus overcame temptation
• It exposes evil, speaks against injustice Eph 5:13-14
• He removes darkness, ignorance and blindness (2 Cor 4:4) (Jn 3:19-21)
While He was on earth, Jesus was the Light of the world (Mk 9:5)
However, He knew the time of His departure was at hand. Thus he designed a plan to perpetuate this light by depositing them into His children (2 Cor 4:6).
We are reflectors of His glorious light in this world. The absence of Jesus (Light) in any place ordinarily leaves it in total darkness. The compassion and mercy of God is manifested in that He multiplied the glory of His Only Begotten Son in the lives of His adopted children (Is 60:1-3).
• Produces good works Mt 5:16
• Live Christ-like in character and conduct (love being the foundation) Phil 2:5-11, 1 Jn 2:9-11
• Brings deliverance to the oppressed and break bands of wickedness Rom 8:19-21, Is 58:6
• Shuns evil, love righteousness and be an example to follow.
• Lead others to the kingdom by being a witness. 2 Cor 2:14-16
• Submit your life to the Giver of light Jn 3:3
• Position yourself in Him Eph 2:5-7, Acts 17:28
• Identify with His death, burial and resurrection Rom 6:4-6
• Walk in the spirit, make no provision for the flesh Gal 5:16
• Abide in Him and let His word abide in you Jn 15:4,7
• Take a stand. Let it be seen. Dan 1:8
• Family:- Loving Husband Eph 5:25-29, 1 Pet 3:7 Submissive Wife Eph 5:22-24, 1 Pet 3:1-5 Obedient Children Eph 6:1-3, In-laws
• Office:- Dutiful, Responsible, Honest, Loyal, Eph 6:5-8, Caring to workers Eph 6:9, Shun & expose corruption Eph 5:7-14
• On the Street or Road:- Patience and decorum in driving (Col 1:10-11). Conversation seasoned with grace (Col 4:6), Conduct with opposite sex, show love to all Matt 5:43-48,
• In School:- Exceptional, studious, role model, not troublesome, no cheating, avoid exam malpractices etc.
Conclusion:- God intentionally positions His children as light in the midst of gloom Is 60:1-3. He plans that through us the world may know God, receive deliverance, chart direction, experience development and be saved. Wherever you are, purpose that God's light will shine through you and make a difference.