
Summary: What does it mean to LIFT HIM UP? Does it have anything to do with GLORY? And what does GLORY mean anyway?

John 3:14-15

The dictionary says it means to esteem or to hold up. To extol, to worship, to revere.

I like every one of those words and YES they certainly apply to our God...would you agree?

Which word is your favorite...if you had to pick only one? Mine is extol. It has a ring to it.

To extol extol our God...yep that's the word I choose...but actually I choose them all! I know...I cheated.

But the dictionary left out one important least in my opinion and that world is HONOR.

John 1:14

GLORY be to GOD and to His SON...Amen!

JESUS was LIFTED UP by GOD...bringing GLORY TO GOD in the Heavens...more than once...

Three times in the Gospel of John was the phrase LIFTED UP recorded.

Jesus told the story of Moses and the serpent being LIFTED UP, to Nicodemus (John 3:14-15)

Jesus declared to the Jewish council that when He would be LIFTED UP they would then know who He was John 8:28.

And just days before His death, he said to His followers: And I, when LIFTED UP...John 12:32.

How would these things bring GLORY to GOD?

Well...because GOD was given all of the CREDIT...all of the HONOR...due Him.

POINT #1: Physically LIFTED UP

Christ was referring to two different meanings or types when He referred to being LIFTED UP.

Physically...He was referring to Him being nailed to a cross and then LIFTED UP as they dropped His cross into a deep hole...

Where He would suffer and be ridiculed for six hours or more.

Imagine what it felt like, having nails through you feet and hands and then being lifted and dropped into a three-foot hole...bump and then wince...then maybe bump again to seat the cross well-enough that it would not tilt or fall over.

Maybe they had to hammer shims at its base as they rolled Him around and side to side...most likely toying with Him in an effort to increase His pain as He winced and looked down at them from His lofty perch.

It most likely took a pulley of sorts and several strong men to LIFT HIM UP...only to then shove Him over to drop straight down...PLUNK...wince...but NOT a Word from our LORD...Not one...Not yet.

POINT #2: Figuratively LIFTED UP

By hanging on His cross...Jesus was FIGURATIVELY LIFTED UP

It was this act of selflessness that GLORIFIED the FATHER. He was LIFTING UP the sins of the World and HONORING His FATHER in Heaven...for ALL to SEE...for ALL who would see...

He hadn't died yet but already He had been LIFTED UP twice...Twice He had GLORIFIED His FATHER who had sent Him.

POINT #3: Spiritually LIFTED UP

What does this all have to do with GLORY?

You see...we need not wait until some future point to GLORIFY God because that is something we can and should be doing today...every breathing moment.

When you help someone in the name of have just GLORIFIED our LORD...

When you give extra in tides and offerings...You have just GLORIFIED our LORD...

You you speak out in public about Your Salvation and His Gospel...You have just GLORIFIED our LORD...

When you come into His House and Praise Him in prayer and in song...You have just GLORIFIED our LORD...

And some day soon...we will be LIFTED UP and receive our GLORIFIED bodies as to live forever with Him in GLORY. Amen.

And may the LORD our GOD bless you and keep you. May His Grace and Mercy follow you all the days of your lives. Go in Peace

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