
Summary: Life is precious, but it has become cheap to many, they have lost respect for it. They fight to end it, and hardly ever fight to save it.


Life Happens

There is no argument that what has happened in the Terry Schiavo case was horrible. No one, whether they can feel it or not should have to die like that. Many conservatives like Dr. Dobson have exhausted the facts that there’s been a great failure to protect her life, and why it’s taken until now to get at the truth instead of seven years ago.

One thing that stands out that has been discussed is the change in our cultural attitude concerning life. This period since Roe V Wade has been likened to as the culture of death, which is a sad and scary reality to contemplate. But being a student of Eschatology, I’m not surprised. Because this is the very thing that will prevail during the last seven years of history, before the glorious appearing of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

Even as bad as this is, the power of The Way, Truth, and Life, which is Christ is greater than Satan’s worst, and I can’t think of anyone who wouldn’t want to be under that umbrella.

Though what is even more sad is that even with the truth right in front of them, they refuse to receive it, and continue to walk in Satan’s deception, which one day will become the strong delusion of God’s wrath that will seal their fate.

Come unto Me, says the Lord and your roots will grow beside the rivers of Jerusalem, and I will be with you forever. I will lead you in the way you should go, and no decision will I not help you make, nor will one hair fall from your head that I will forsake.

Jesus taught us Himself that Life happens after death. He is the Resurrection and the Life, and those who die in Him will live again.

We now know that another great individual has passed on into eternity, Pope John Paul the Second. Instead of thinking about the doctrinal differences between Catholics and Protestants, I choose to think of the great works he did. He bridged many cultural gaps in the world. He broke the ice early on by coming to America and fusing a relationship with President Carter, and later, President Reagan.

This was the first visit to America by a Pope in some time, and Pope John Paul was a man whom you couldn’t but like, because he radiated Gods loving grace. He inspired a generation of youth towards Christ, and Paul said Himself that you may not like how Christ is preached, but we rejoice that He is preached, (my paraphrase.) We all stand in agreement that Life is precious, and that it has become cheap to many, they have lost respect for it. This group always fights to end it, and hardly ever fights to save it. One day before the glorious appearing of Christ, they will seek death, and it will flee from them.

Like the sinner beating his breast, confessing his horrible inadequacies, I tremble before Him to keep me close. Death happens to us all, but Life is right past that last heartbeat. In a twinkling of an eye, we will see the one we’ve longed for so long. The shining face of the angel who will usher us into the throne room of life. To then sit at His feet, and drink in the sweet fellowship of the Savior for all eternity.

Life happens to us all. We are born, and that is Gods gift to us. What we do with it is our gift to Him. Let life happen daily in our lives, and make it start today.

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