
Summary: Live peacefully with God and the neighbors, and you will receive the blessings from God.

Let’s Win Evil with the Goodness!

Romans 12:19-21

Paster John Young Lae Kang

God’s Glory Church


I. Introduction

It is the very day that our God’s Glory Church was founded. Today it was established in this world for the first time. I truly express my gratitude to God for the large favor that it was prepared considerably and has finally made it to arise in this world today. Moreover, I sincerely express my gratitude to you who participated in the establishment service for the first time like this.

I’d like to say with the title "Let’s Win Evil with the Goodness!" centering around Romns 12:19-21 today.

I pray for you all listen carefully and receive a large favor and blessing from God by the name of the Lord.

II. Main discourse

The core of Jesus Christ’s gospel is to accomplish peace with God and people. Therefore, we will have to accomplish peace with our God, and to incline our effort to the place where peace is accomplished with our neighbors. So the believers of Jesus Christ have to make our effort to make peace positively.

It is Written Matthew 5:9(NIV), "Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called sons of God."

If we will accomplish peace between the God and the persons, the peace will come in our mind, and our prayers shall be answered very quickly. But, if we will break the peace with God and our neighbours in our mind, our prayers shall not be answered quickly. Consequently, the God’s favor and blessing toward us will be blocked.

And, I wish you to know that the Devil’s hands are coming to you in your peaceless mind. So we must live peacefully with the God and neighbours.

So it is written in Proverbs 17:1, "Better a dry crust with peace and quiet than a house full of feasting, with strife."

It is written in Ephesians 4:26-27. "In your anger do not sin: Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry, and do not give the devil a foothold."

Peace and the necessity of peace are important also in the home and the office to which we belong. It is necessary to be emphasized.

So please always keep the peace with God and your neighbours. You have to live in peace between parents and the children, and the brothers and the friends. Then your prayers shall be answered soon, and receive the blessings from God.

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