
Summary: As Christians, we are to shine as light in the midst of the dark world. This will make others to see and be attracted to God in His kingdom, and His name will be glorified.

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Study Text: Mathew 5: 13 - 16


- Jesus, after telling us we are the salt, and we need to stay pure so we do not lose our saltiness, also says we are the light of the world.

- Salt has to do with you and the Word and staying pure. Jesus said if we lose our saltiness, we are useless. Impurities cause us to lose our saltiness. If we stay close to the Word, we will remain pure in relationship with God.

- The light has to do with you showing God to others. There should be a great light shining from every saint. The Light will allow you to be recognized as a Child of God.

- We shall be discussing the topic under three subheadings:

1. The Picture of a Shining Light

2. The Purpose of a Shining Light

3. The Pattern for a Shining Light

1. The Picture of a Shining Light

- Light is the natural agent that stimulate sight, that is, Light make things visible. Some of the notable characteristics of light include the following:

1. Light reveals the content of darkness

- It reveals object not seen in darkness. When light is turned on, it immediately makes itself known. It reveals object that normally one will not see in darkness. The light will reveal what the content of darkness.

2. Light removes darkness

- The presence of light either reduces the strength of darkness or removes darkness completely.

- If you find yourself cohabiting with darkness, it means that you are walking in darkness yourself. If you see that wicked people are attracted to you all the time, it may be because you yourself is yet to separate yourself from wickedness.

3. Light releases direction

- Nobody can move freely in thick darkness, especially in a place not familiar with before. But when there is light, it will be very clear what direction to follow.

- If you get up in the middle of the night, you need light to direct you to where you’re going. When you have a light, it directs your path.

4. Light raises affection

- Whenever there is light, it has the capacity to attract people or other creatures in its direction. Just like when you put on light, you find some insects attracted to it.

- When you lift up Jesus in your life everyday, you will be a shining example for others and you will attract good things in your life.

5. Light rationalizes and bring clarity

- Light uncovers darkness and remove obscurity. Light brings clarity and understanding of the nature and the content of a thing.

2. The Purpose of a Shining Light

- Today, as never before, we have a tremendous need to use all our power to shine the light of the gospel in a dark world. Why?

1. We Need to Shine the Light Because Many People are Stumbling in the Dark.

- Paul speaks of those for whom the gospel is “veiled.” They do not see it or understand its importance.

- The unveiled gospel, openly proclaimed, has been veiled to them because it is veiled in them: the veil is over their hearts and minds, not over the gospel.

2. We Need to Shine the Light Because Dark Forces Oppose the Light.

- People have darkened minds of unbelief because they are affected by the dark forces opposed to the gospel. Paul speaks of the “god of this age,” referring to Satan and his powers of evil.

- In fact, those forces interfere with their capacity to respond to the gospel of Jesus Christ. That is why the church must continually uphold the saving power of Christ.

3. We Need to Shine the Light Because Christ is the Eternal Illumination that Drives Out Darkness.

- When people open their lives to this light, the darkness flees. They see the reality for what it is and respond in faith.

- When people hear the gospel, the light shines in their lives. This is the genuine light that drives out the darkness and brings salvation.

4. We Need to Shine the Light so that God the Father may be glorified.

- There is only one life that will glorify Him, and that is the Christ-filled, Spirit-controlled life that shines before men and commends Him to them.

5. We Need to Shine the Light so that the Lord Jesus may be magnified.

- To magnify a thing is to make it appear bigger, and Christians by their shining witness are to make the Lord Jesus appear bigger before the world. Just as lamps magnify the light, so we are to magnify Him (Philippians 1:20).

6. We Need to Shine the Light so that we may Live above Self and the Flesh.

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