
Summary: I was praying for a diabetic's foot, "Let the blood flow," when the Spirit said to me, "That’s the problem of the Body of Christ – why they’re not getting healing & not walking in newness of life; they need the blood of Jesus to flow in them!

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Lev. 17:11



1. We’ve all talked to people who claimed to be SELF-PROCLAIMED EXPERTS. Usually it’s “practicing without a license!” (Not worth too much).

2. It is said that Billie Burke, the Hollywood actress, was enjoying a transatlantic ocean voyage when she noticed a man at the next table was suffering from a bad cold.

3. "Uncomfortable?" she asked sympathetically. The man nodded. "I'll tell you what to do for it," she offered. "Go back to your stateroom and drink a lot of orange juice. Take five aspirin tablets. Cover yourself with all the blankets you can find. Sweat the cold out. I know what I'm talking about. I'm Billie Burke of Hollywood."

4. The man smiled warmly and said, "Thanks. I'm Dr. Mayo of the Mayo Clinic!" [Anonymous]


1. The reason diabetic’s feet or other extremities sometimes have to be amputated is that the blood vessels become blocked or constricted and the blood can’t reach them with the nourishment and oxygen they need, so they die.

2. I was praying for someone last weekend with this condition and the Holy Spirit led me to pray a prayer over them, “Let the blood flow!” (2X)

3. Afterward, the Holy Spirit spoke to my heart, “That’s the same problem of the Body of Christ – why they’re not getting healing and not walking in newness of life. We need the blood of Jesus on a continuous basis. So my prayer is for you too, “Lord, let the Blood flow” in them!


“For the life of an animal is in the blood. I have provided the blood for you to make atonement for your lives on the Altar” Lev. 17:11, MSG.


1. The stomach breaks down our food into portable nutrition, which it puts into our blood. Red blood cells absorb oxygen in our lungs and also put it into our blood. These are carried to every cell in our bodies, which circulates every 23 seconds!

2. As the blood flows through, cell-garbage and carbon dioxide are jettisoned into our blood, to be carried to the kidneys, etc., for disposal. The same vehicle that brings the food also picks up the garbage -- yet there’s never any cross-contamination! (The sanitation department would close down any business where food was stored in garbage trucks!) But the Creator makes it all work perfectly!

3. The white blood cells, which are far fewer (5-7K per cubic milliliter Versus Red Cells – 4-5 million per cub. mL) are the defending army, which attack infections. They multiply rapidly and millions of them die consuming the infection. That’s why there’s “pus” around it. The blood eventually “washes away” the dangerous infection.


1. So essential is the Blood of the Jesus Christ, that it must reach every single member of the Body of Christ. Just as human blood supplies food and carries off the waste, so does the Blood of Jesus supply nourishment and carry away our sins, when we confess them.

2. Folks, we don’t just need a one-time exposure to the Blood, but we need a continuous exposure! The life of the creature is in the blood! If you ever get away from the freshness of the Blood of Jesus, you will die.

3. The Blood represents the indestructible life of Jesus Christ! ANY CORRUPTION THAT CONTACTS THE LIFE OF JESUS IS ERADICATED! Jesus touched the leper but He didn’t get leprosy -- the leprosy was driven out (Mt. 8:3). The sinful woman touched Jesus – He didn’t get contaminated, but she got cleansed!

4. 1 John 3:8 – “The reason the Son of God appeared was to DESTROY the works of the devil.” The HOLY BLOOD of Jesus is, to the devil, what water was to the wicked witch of the west in the Wizard of Oz! His blood is holy, pure, without sin, innocent. Any time we plead the Blood, the enemy has to flee!

5. Think how HOLY the Blood of Jesus is: even heaven is purified by that Blood (Heb. 9:23). Its sacredness outweighs all the evil sin could ever produce!

6. HUMAN BLOOD HAS A VERY SHORT LIFESPAN. Red blood cells only live for 120 days; after that they must be replaced. So the blood of Jesus should have been useless after 120 days, but the Bible tells us that that blood is STILL FRESH TODAY, because it’s still speaking (Heb. 12:24)! After 2,000 years and counting, THE BLOOD OF JESUS IS STILL FRESH AND POWERFUL! It’s on the Mercy Seat in Heaven and is pleading for mercy for us! PTL!



1. A few days ago they had the funeral for Queen Elizabeth, who was the daughter of King George VI. She reigned for 70 years, the longest of any British monarch.

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