
Summary: The life of Mary is a very challenging one and an epitome of unconditional submission to the Word of God and His perfect Will.

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Let it be Done unto Me According to your Words

Study Text: Luke 1: 26 - 38


Mary is a good example to understand the meaning of surrendering to God’s will.

We often sing the song “I surrender all”. But in truth, how much of that ‘all’ part do we surrender to God. Do we have areas in our life that we are not fully ready to give to the Lord?

We often say that we submit everything to our Lord, but there are strings attached to certain areas of our life and we are holding on to them so tight and not ready to let go.

God chose Mary to be Jesus’ mother only because she was willing to submit to God. She had a close relationship with Him. She was ready to do anything for God without asking questions. She gave her womb, her life, everything to God not out of fear or duty, but of mere love towards God. Why is it that we are not able to surrender our lives like Mary?

One obvious reason is because we do not trust God completely with our lives. Though we say we do trust Him, we are not comfortable to let go everything. We have fears about our future. We have lot of questions in our mind before trusting God completely.

Mary was betrothed to Joseph and she could have rejected God’s purpose thinking about her life and how the society will react to the fact that a virgin is pregnant. Still she obeyed God.

Looking through the Bible, we can see many people who were willing to submit their lives to God no matter what and God has done mighty things through them.

1. Moses obeyed God in leading the people of Israel from Egypt to Canaan without knowing how he is going to do that.

2. Hanna submitted her life to God for a child without knowing when that will happen.

3. Abraham and Sarah waited for their promised child without knowing how it can happen in their lives.

4. Joseph trusted God’s purpose without knowing why circumstances happened against him.

5. Paul trusted God without knowing where he was led to.

And when you look at their lives, you can see that God did miracles through their lives just because they surrendered everything before God. We shall be discussing the topic under three subheadings:

1. The Unforseen Visitation

2. The Unexpected Revelation

3. The Unconditional Submission

1. The Unforseen Visitation:

Mary was visited by an Angel of God with a Message of eternal purpose. This was a Divine Visitation, and it came at a time when she least expected it, unforseen, unannounced and unprepared for.

A divine visitation is when God brings a man into a practical encounter with His presence, glory and power. It is God’s intervention or appearance in your life, your situation, or your circumstance.

One visit from the Lord can change your life forever. One divine visitation to Abraham changed the course of his life. By that visitation, Abraham left his father’s land to a land that God told him to go to. A divine visitation can cause you to embark on your divine assignment. Genesis 12:1 - 6

One divine visitation to Mary resulted in the birth of Jesus. By that divine visitation, Mary, who was a virgin, conceived by the power of the Holy Spirit. This means that by a divine visitation, impossible can become possible.

One divine visitation to Moses turned him into a great prophet. A man who cowardly ran away from the attack of Pharaoh later came back to Egypt to do a great and mighty exploit. God used him to deliver the nation of Israel from their bondage. Exodus 3:1 - 10

One divine visitation made Isaiah a great and mighty prophet. He considered himself as a man of unclean lips when he saw the Lord. However, the angel of the Lord anointed his tongue and he became a mighty prophet. He gave so many prophecies about the birth of Jesus Christ and His exploits on earth. One divine visitation can turn you to a great vessel in God’s hands. Isaiah 6:1 - 8

One divine visitation on the day of Pentecost resulted in the birth of the Church. By that visitation, three thousand were added to the church. That divine visitation turned the timid Peter to a bold Apostle. The same man who denied Jesus Christ three times became a fearless preacher of the gospel. This shows that by a divine visitation, you can be empowered by the Holy Spirit for great and mighty exploits. Acts 2: 1 - 4

That God assignment that seems impossible can become possible and very easy to do when you experience Divine Visitation.

Even though it is God who determines who to visit and when to visit the person, there are attitudes and qualities that will position a man as a suitable candidate for Divine Visitation.

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