
Let God Lead Your Battles

Created by SermonCentral on Sep 9, 2023
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If you try to fight your battles without God's guidance, you may find yourself in trouble. Trust in Him and let Him lead the way.


Before we delve into this message, let us begin with a prayer: "Lord, scatter every enemy of my increase by fire, in Jesus' name." As you read this message, may the Lord touch you and destroy anything hindering your progress. Just as the Bible says, "I will bring honey out of the rock. I will bring oil out of the stone," God is able to bring forth breakthroughs even in impossible situations. So, let us pray: "Every enemy of my increase, perish by fire, in Jesus' name."

Main Message

The Bible teaches us that success does not always go to the most deserving or hardworking individuals. It is not solely based on natural talents or intelligence. The race is not won by the swiftest, and battles are not won by the strongest. By our own strength, we cannot prevail.

Ecclesiastes 9:11 (NIV): "I have seen something else under the sun: The race is not to the swift or the battle to the strong, nor does food come to the wise or wealth to the brilliant or favor to the learned; but time and chance happen to them all."

1 Samuel 2:9 (NIV): "He will guard the feet of his faithful servants, but the wicked will be silenced in the place of darkness. It is not by strength that one prevails."


Pharaoh, with his mighty army, thought he could easily defeat the Israelites who had no weapons. However, he discovered at the Red Sea that victory does not come through human strength. Goliath, a formidable foe, cursed God's people for 40 days. But David knew that the battle was not his to fight alone; it belonged to the Lord.

Gideon's army started with 32,000 soldiers, but God reduced it to 300. This demonstrated that victory does not depend on the size of an army or physical strength. Moses, in his own strength, tried to deliver the Israelites but failed. He had to spend 40 years in training, learning that he could not rely on his own power. When he returned with the rod of God, it was not the rod itself that had power, but God working through it.


We must understand that our success and progress come from God. It is not about our own abilities or efforts. We need to rely on Him and allow Him to fight our battles. Trying to achieve success through our own strength will only lead to disappointment and failure.

Prayer Points

1. Bind every spirit of the tail in my life, in Jesus' name.

2. Activate my destiny by fire, in Jesus' name.

3. Break every cage of the tail, in Jesus' name.

4. Destroy every witchcraft influence, in Jesus' name.

5. If I am in the wrong position, Lord, reposition me according to Your will.

6. Claim divine rearrangement by fire, in Jesus' name.

7. Pray for the power of God to move you forward, just as He did for Moses at the Red Sea.

8. Sing songs of gratitude to the Lord for His ability to overcome all obstacles.


In conclusion, we must recognize that our strength alone cannot bring us success. We need to surrender to God and allow Him to guide us. The promise of being the head and not the tail is for all believers, but we must align ourselves with God's plan and purpose for our lives. Let us trust in His power and not rely on our own abilities. With God fighting our battles, we can experience true victory and breakthroughs in every area of our lives.

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