Let Freedom Reign In The Church
Contributed by Nettie J Pennington on Feb 11, 2025 (message contributor)
Summary: “It is for freedom that Christ has set us free” (Gal. 5:1).
Father God, Lord Jesus, hallowed is your holy name. Thank you for freedom in Christ, for setting us free from sin and bondage. Today, we recommit ourselves to You and ask for a fresh anointing of knowledge, wisdom, and understanding. Lord, let freedom reign in the church; give me words pleasing to Your ear and food for Your people. In Jesus' Name, I say Amen.
Let everything that has breath praise the Lord. Something is happening in the church, and we pray the change is to move forward and not backward into the dark ages. As we flip through the pages of history, we are confident that there was no point when black people (men and women) were not part of the tapestry of human history. No one can erase that history because we will not ignore or forget the journey from freedom to slavery to the challenge to hold on to freedom through the Jim Crow years. Look around; we are called to serve again to protect our freedom in Christ and this world. You can stick your head in the sand, but do not deceive yourself; those who ignore history will repeat it. Let us make the church great again.
There is still work to do; we need to break the cycle, the chains and strongholds that link us to a world that disregards the freedom we have in Christ Jesus. Something is happening in the church, but is it for the good work we are called to do, or is it to follow false prophets and do the work of the devil? The devil is a liar and when you lie, “you are of your father the devil” (John 8:44). Many ungodly things are happening worldwide, and we should feel anxious because they are no longer sneak attacks. Christ's Followers are openly challenged by those perverting the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and we must stand for the Lord’s Way and Truth.
We all need to help each other stand firmly because nobody should feel anxious when they walk into a church. God’s house is supposed to be a refuge for His people and anyone searching for His truth. No one who enters God’s House should be anxious about judgmental attitudes, gossip, backbiting, jealousy, rivalries, factions (cliques), envy, etc. These things are not of God. I am sick and tired of “church folk” claiming to be saved, sanctified, and filled with the Holy Spirit while acting like the Pharisees, whom Jesus said were hypocrites full of greed and self-indulgence (Matt. 23:25-26). As we observe the chaos in this world, let us observe something different in the church. Stand firm in the Lord’s Way and let freedom reign in the church.
When our ancestors were slaves, their faith was tested every minute of every hour of every day for over 200 years (1619-1865) and beyond. Those in the Baby Boomer generation were tested. Even so, many are leading people back into the dark ages when there was no unemployment insurance, minimum wage, restriction on working hours, and few protections for the average worker, the “have-nots” who have no means to fight back.
Listen to the politicians; it appears they have forgotten or are deliberately trying to rewrite history. We will all be tested if we do not allow freedom to reign in the church and influence the community. “We should no longer be children, tossed to and fro and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the trickery of men, in the cunning craftiness of deceitful plotting” (Eph. 4:14, NKJV). Whenever we encounter spirits, we need to test them to ensure they are from God (1 John 4:1)! Stay alert, just like the serpent deceived Eve; evil spirits can fool anyone open to every wind of doctrine. And if you are not prayed up and have a solid relationship with the Lord Jesus, you can be fooled by a pretty face, clever words, fame, and power.
The devil cleans up well, but he is still a wolf in sheep’s clothing. Do not be deceived because evil may live in Washington, DC, but the people sent it there, and you might as well open the door because the chickens are coming home to roost. They visit every election cycle to receive a rubber stamp for a job not done. Many choose to travel the same path, but some are deceived and dragged into chaos by listening to false teachings, outright lies, and ungodly counsel.
The Lord’s Way encourages us to love, support, and build each other up, not tear each other down. It will seep into the community if we diligently follow the Lord’s Way and Truth. Let us speak the truth in love and grow to become mature members of the body of Christ (Eph. 4:15). Stop acting immature and let freedom reign in the church!