
Summary: Paul has dealt with one problem after another in the church at Corinth. Here’s still another. It’s the issue of tongues.



INTRODUCTION: A lot of Baptist are talking about this subject today! Paul has dealt with one problem after another in the church at Corinth. Here’s still another. It’s the issue of tongues.

There are five occasions in the N.T. that deal with this subject. Acts 2:4; Acts 10:46; Acts 19:6; Mark 16:7; I Cor. 12, 14. The passages in Acts seem to indicate another language or dialect, not unintelligible utterance. In Corinth the issue was unintelligible (see v.2, 9).

Confusion and division reigned in the worship services. At the heart of the problem was the excessive attention given to speaking in tongues. It became a mark of pride to some. They considered themselves spiritually superior. They looked down on fellow church members. This was a most divisive issue.

Let’s pay close attention to what Paul says.

I. The Superiority Of Preaching (v. 1-5)

A. The Concentration (v.1): They were emphasizing tongues. Paul emphasized prophecy. The most important mission of the church is an intelligible proclamation of the gospel. Paul said desire the gift of prophecy = preaching/testifying/witnessing.

B. The Consequences (v.3): “Edifies” = to build up (architecture). See v. 3-5, 12, 19, 26. Many were more interested in building up themselves than the church. “Exhortation”. “Comfort” = the word is to bring stability and comfort.

C. The Contrast (v. 2, 4-5): Tongues was upward and inward. Prophecy is outward. Tongues don’t communicate the gospel to unbelievers or provide comfort to unbelievers. Prophecy can be understood by both believers and unbelievers. In v.5 Paul recognized the legitimate value of tongues. He did not discard or encourage them to desire tongues. He warned them not to over-estimate tongues.

II. The Inferiority Of Tongues (v.6-25)

A. The Inferiority (v.6-12): Paul didn’t deny the validity of tongues; he simply valued it below the gift of prophecy. Tongues are inferior because it cannot meet the needs of the church.

B. The Information (v. 13-20): Paul spoke in tongues but he preferred to speak in a manner understandable to those who heard him. Tongues are an infantile gift. J.B. Phillips said, “My brothers, don’t be like excitable children but use your intelligence.”

C. The Injury (v. 21-25): Tongues hindered more than helped. It sounded like a gathering of maniacs to a lost person.

III. The Priority Of Worship (v. 26-40)

Worship was chaotic. It was a situation that needed correcting.

A. The Purpose: “Edify” (v.26). “Enlighten” (v.31). “Encourage” (v.31). These three cannot be accomplished through tongues. Why? See v.4. Only the individual was edified. No one was enlightened (v.2, 9). It did no good to the congregation (v.17).

B. The Performance: Everything was to be done in order. Paul gives instructions for the use of tongues and prophecy (v.27-33).

C. The People (v.33-35): “Women” = Paul was writing in the context of the conditions in Corinth. He was dealing with a local situation and not stating a truth to be given general application.

CONCLUSION: Let’s talk about tongues. Everybody else is!

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