
Summary: Christians who should be at the fronlines are still in basic training.

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Last week we began to look at the topic: Lesson from the school of power. Let me quickly do a recap of what was said. In Lesson one we talked about the meaning of power, Lesson two, the sources of power, Lesson three the difference between authority and power. Lesson 4, talked about our marching order from the Lord Jesus Christ. Lesson 5 talked about anointing. This week, we shall continue with Lesson six which is the double portion anointing.

The mantle that came upon Elisha represents the anointing. Immediately it came upon him, the Bible says that he moved. There was no reluctance at all. It shows that the man had good relationship with his parents and neighbours. He gave them a bye-bye party to say thank you very much. The reason many people will not grow in the Lord is because they are still attached to their mother’s apron strings. Elisha was not like that. He burned the bridges behind him and renounced his former life. This is the secret, beloved. If you carry the things of yesterday on your shoulder, there will be no double portion. Paul said, “forgetting those things that are behind and looking forward” One-Way to fall very quickly is to be looking at the back. Anybody who looks back still finds the old life exciting. Some people would say, “if God does not answer me on time, I will go back into the world. The devil does not waste time finishing the account of such people so that they won’t have the opportunity to run back to the Lord.

You won’t see your tomorrow as far as you live in your yesterday. You should not allow one mistake that you made ten years ago to be ruling your life now. If you still continue that way, forget the anointing because you are a yesterday person. Recognize that Elisha had parents too, he had a job and labourers but he burnt the bridges behind him. Likewise God has called you from the world so there must be a difference. Believers do not go to worldly parties; they don’t cook their food for them and do not eat their meat. We are supposed to be strange to them. Many believers don’t want to look strange and the Bible says we are peculiar. They should look at you and see a difference. It is time for us to be making impact. The bible did not call us to come and live a quiet life. They were busy causing trouble all over the place for the enemy. They were acting according to the word of Jesus that says, “If you are driven away from one city, go to another” That is what the Bible says. But if you are afraid nothing will happen. When you received genuine power, you can’t sit down, it is impossible. Somebody said that he received the Holy Spirit and now he is moving about like an old vehicle as if the Holy Spirit too has become old inside of him. No, something is wrong somewhere. The moment you get it, you cannot do without talking about Jesus, or without praying. It is going to be impossible. There must be a clear demarcation between the people of the word and the people of the world. God’s children must be God’s children. It is clear. The situation these days where it is difficult to differentiate from people going to disco party is not what the Bible says. It says be ye separate; Let them know you for what you are. Declare your stand make it plain. Some people say, “give unto Caesar what is Caesar’s” it is only an excuse for them to commit sin. There is no Caesar in this matter at all. What God is saying is that there must be a clear demarcation. People of the world may look at you and say that you are looking dull. It is better to look dull and make heaven than to have the brightness of the world with crocodiles walking about in your legs and go to hell fire. There must be a difference. You don’t honour every invitation because you are separate. For example, nobody sends me an invitation card to come to parties any more. They ought to give that kind of testimony about you.

In 2kings 2, when Elijah was going away, there were many sons of the prophet. But surprisingly, Elisha was still the only person following Elijah and there were many obstacles so that he would not be able to receive a double portion. But God helped Elisha and God shall help you today in Jesus name. Amen

2 Kings 2:1-2

“And it came to pass, when the Lord would take up Elijah into heaven by a whirlwind, that Elijah went with Elisha from Gilgal”

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