
Summary: Every rebel needs an intercessor

Series: Getting The Faith Of Moses Dr. Elmer Towns

Lesson 30: Intercession For The Disobedient March 18, 2012


1. To stand before God. “I sought for a man to . . . stand in the gap before me” (Ex. 22:30).

2. Who do you know that rebels against God? _________________.

3. The issue with Israel was a rebellious heart that motivated them to constantly reject God’s effort. “God counted! ‘Israel had put Me to the test now these ten times’” (14:22).

4. Moses was the one who was hurt the most.

a. Complained to Moses, “We wish we had died in Egypt” (14:28, NLT).

b. Blamed Moses. “A great chorus of complaint against Moses (14:1, NLT).

c. Rejected Moses. “Let us make a captain . . . return to Egypt” (14:4).

d. Tried to kill them. “Talked about stoning” (14:10).

5. What was Moses’ immediate reaction?

a. Not retaliates.

b. Answer back.

c. Pray. “Moses and Aaron fell on their faces” (14:5).


1. God is surprised at our rebellion. “How long will these people reject me” (14:11).

2. The Holy (judgmental) nature of God. “I . . . will destroy them” (14:12).

3. God wants our faith. “How long will it be ere they believe me?” (14:11).

4. God’s work goes on, so He will use another. “I will disown them . . . I will make you into a nation far greater” (14:14).


1. Plead God’s reputation. “Then the Egyptians shall hear” (14:13). “They will tell . . . the Lord not able to bring them into the land” (14:16, NLT).

2. Plead what the unsaved know of God.

a. God delivered. “They know full well the power you displayed in rescuing your people” (14:13, NLT).

b. God revealed. “You have appeared to your people face to face” (14:14, NLT).

c. God led, “You go before them” (14:14, NLT).

3. Plead God’s ability. “Let the power of my Lord be great” (14:17).

4. Plead God’s love. “The Lord is slow to anger, and rich in unfailing love, forgiving every kind of sin and rebellion” (14:17, NLT).

5. Ask God to forgive their sin. Please pardon the sins of this people” (14:19, NLT).


1. God forgives their sin, (judicial guilt). “I have pardoned according to your word” (14:20).

2. They must suffer the consequences of their sins (personal guilt). “They certainly will not see the land” (14:23).

3. God ties the punishment of consequences to the act of rebellion. “Nor shall any of these who reject me” (14:23).

4. God ties the delivery of His verdict to their sin. “Just as you have spoken in my hearing, I will do to you” (14:28).

Just as the words of our mouth get us in trouble, so our words move mountains (Mark 11:23).

5. The blessing of punishment of God. Life. “You will wander 40 years. Death. “Your carcasses will fall in the desert” (14:29).

6. God is glorified in punishment and reward. “As I truly live, all the earth shall be filled with the glory of the Lord” (14:21).

7. Can’t enjoy God’s promises. “None of you . . . will enter the land which I swore to give you” (14:30).


“All Israel was crying over the judgment of God. So they got up early the next morning and set out for the Promised Land. ‘Let’s go,’ they enthusiastically told each other. They said, ‘We’re sorry we rebelled; now we are ready to obey.’ But Moses said, ‘You are disobeying God again by trying to do now what you originally refused to do. It’s too late to repent.

Do not go, your enemies will defeat you because God is not going with you.’ Moses concluded, ‘God has abandoned you because you abandoned Him.’

But they left anyway and the Ark didn’t go with them, nor did the Shekinah cloud. The Amalekites and Canaanites attacked them and chased them back into the desert” (Num. 14:39-45, Amplified).

1. Israel repented too late. “They rose up early . . . here we are . . . to go” (14:40).

2. Israel confessed its sin too late. “We have sinned” (14:40).

3. Israel obeyed too late. “They presumed to go” (14:40).

4. But they still didn’t understand. They didn’t take, “neither Moses nor the Ark of the Covenant” (14:44).

5. The epitaph on their grave. “Their enemy chased them” (14:45).

If you have never really accepted Jesus as your personal Savior, would you do it right now? Do not delay or put it off. If you would like to receive Christ by faith, pray this simple prayer in your heart:

Dear Lord,

I acknowledge that I am a sinner. I believe Jesus died for my sins on the cross, and rose again the third day. I repent of my sins. By faith I receive the Lord Jesus as my Savior. You promised to save me, and I believe You, because You are God and cannot lie. I believe right now that the Lord Jesus is my personal Savior, and that all my sins are forgiven through His precious blood. I thank You, dear Lord, for saving me. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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