
Summary: An important duty of angels is to bring messages. Their name means “messenger” (Heb. 1:14). They tell believers the good news and we must tell unbelievers.

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1. Silence. There were 400 silent years when no voice or miracles were sent from heaven. Angels only appear in history when God re-directs His program.

2. A forerunner is predicted (Luke 1:11-14, 18-20, ELT), “Zechariah was in the sanctuary when an angel appeared . . . Zechariah was scared to death. But the angel said, ‘Don’t fear Zechariah! God has heard your prayer and your wife Elizabeth will bare a son. Call his name John . . .’ Zechariah said, ‘How can this happen? I am an old man and my wife is also well advanced in years . . .’ The angel said,‘I am Gabriel, I stood in the very presence of God who sent me to bring you this news. Now, since you did not believe what I said, you will not be able to speak until the child is born.’”

3. The supernatural appearance of angels scars us. Because we don’t expect God’s intervention.

4. An important duty of angels is to bring messages. Their name means “messenger” (Heb. 1:14). They tell believers the good news and we must tell unbelievers.

5. Angels have access to God’s presence, but we don’t have access because of our sin. But we can come to God through Jesus our Intercessor.

• Jesus cleanses our sin.

• We intercede through His perfection.

• Jesus presents our prayers to the Father.

• We are as close to the Father as Christ.

6. Most humans doubt before they believe God; but angels always believe because they were created to stand in God’s presence.

7. We don’t always recognize angels who bring us messages. “Be not forgetful to entertain strangers, for thereby some have entertained angels unawares” (Heb. 13:1, KJV).

8. The most watched program in the world was Touched by An Angel. Three mistakes: (1) angels were women, but in the Bible they are always men: (2) the angel always appears to a derelict or moral failure, but angels “minister for them who shall be heirs of salvation” (Heb. 1:14): and (3) angels are credited with solving people’s problems, but in scripture glory always goes to God.


1. To Elizabeth’s niece. The angel appeared to Mary six month after Elizabeth got pregnant. “Your aunt Elizabeth has become pregnant in her old age” (Luke 1:38, LB).

2. A virgin birth predicted (Luke 1:26-31, 34-35, 37-38, ELT), “In the sixth month of Elizabeth’s pregnancy, God sent the angel Gabriel . . . to a virgin named Mary, who was engaged to be married to Joseph, a descendant of King David. Gabriel appeared to her and said, ‘Congratulations, highly favored woman. The Lord is going to bless you.’ Mary was confused and frightened; she tried to think what the

angel wanted. ‘Don’t be frightened Mary . . . the Lord has decided to wonderfully use you. Very soon you will become pregnant and have a baby boy, name him Jesus . . .’ Mary asked, “How shall this be, I

have not known a man, I am a virgin?’ The angel said, ‘The Holy Spirit will cover you with His power. The child will be the Son of God . . . nothing is impossible for God to do . . .’ Mary answered, ‘I

am the Lord’s servant, I am willing to do whatever God wants to me. May everything you say come to pass.’”

3. God changes the direction of the world through yielded people who claim His promise. “Be it unto me according to your word” (v. 28).

4. The angels told God’s previously announced plan to Mary. God always fulfills His Word. (1) the Deliverer would be the seed of a woman (Gen. 3:15), (2) the Delivered would come through a virgin (Isa. 7:14), (3) the Child would occupy David’s Throne. “He shall

reign over the house of Judah forever” (v. 33), (4) Jesus avoided a sinful nature because a human father wasn’t involved, (5) God avoided creating a new person, the conception was an incarnation of

the Second Person of the Trinity who already existed.

5. Don’t downgrade Mary or exalt her too highly, she was a sinner used by God, just as He uses us. Mary prayed, “God my Savior” (v. 47).

6. We must accept the things God tells us, because they prepare us to be used.

7. We must humbly accept God’s will for our life, even if we don’t understand it or know how it will happen.

8. It’s alright to have questions, “How shall this be?” As long as we submit our doubts and ignorance to His will, “Be it unto me according to Thy Word” (v. 38).

9. No one has ever fully claimed God’s promise, “With God nothing shall be impossible” (v. 37).

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