
Summary: One of the most difficult things in life is becoming and remaining a person after God’s on heart.


(The Leader’s Strength)

Dr. Dennis Deese

1 SAMUEL 18:17-21:15

One of the most difficult things in life is becoming and remaining a person after God’s on heart. If you doubt that, just consider for a moment how many people you personally know that you would consider being a person that has a heart for the heart of God. Yet, becoming this kind of person is absolutely essential for a leader if you truly want the Lord’s blessing on your life.

Becoming this type of leader is not a one time event in life but rather a life time of events (and in each event there are lessons to learn). David was a godly man in the making and with that came many difficult lessons that he had to learn. It was more than going through the lessons just to get a grade. It was learning the lessons and one of the lessons every great leader has to learn is the lesson of daily dependancy. After the blessing, comes the testing!

The threefold process of learning this lesson:

(I want to define or describe each aspect of the process in one word)

I. ITS PERSONAL ACQUIREMENT (PAIN) What supports (crutches in life) did he loose?

A. His Position 18:13, 19:8-10

B. His family 19:11-17

C. His Pastor 19:18 & 20:1

D. His Friend 20:1, 42

E. His Self-respect 21

In 21:1-9 he lies to the priest [Ahimelech], and in 21:10-15 he goes to Gath where Goliath was from. There he becomes so disoriented with fear he responds as man who had no God [21:12] and acts like a mad man.

II. ITS PRACTICAL APPLICATION (PRAYER) (chapter 19 - Psalm 59, chapter 21 -

Psalm 34)

A prayer of (drawn from Psalm 34):

A. Honor 34:1-3

B. Faith 34:4

1. “sought” daw-rash (1875): to seek with care, to require.

2. “Lord” yeh-ho-vaw (3068): the existing One

3. “Heard” aw-naw (6030): to respond to

C. Humility 34:6 “this poor man” that entails the:

1. Fear of God 34:7, 9, 11

2. Confession of sin 34:14-15

3. Acknowledgment of need 34:18-19


"But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew [their] strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; [and] they shall walk, and not faint." (Isaiah 40:31)

“Because of his strength will I wait upon thee; for God is my defense.” Ps. 59:9

“Unto thee, O my strength, will I sing; for God is my defense, and the God of my mercy.”

Ps. 59:17

When we are patient we are in essence saying:

A. Anticipate God’s timing (He is perfect in wisdom)

B. Acknowledge God’s sovereignty (He is in control)

C. Accept God’s will (He is working in many ways)

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