
Summary: The Good Samaritan - Luke chapter 10 verses 25 to 37 – Sermon by Gordon Curley. PowerPoint slides to accompany this talk are available on request – email:


(1). Compassion Is Based On Need Not Worth. (vs 30)

(2). Compassion Feels Something (vs 33)

(3). Compassion Does Something. (vs 34)

(4). Compassion Cost Something. (vs 35)

(5). Compassion Demonstrates Real Faith. (vs 36-37)



• Let me give you some advertising slogans and see if you can call out the brand.

• Easy one to get you started…

• ‘Every Little Helps’ – Tesco.

• ‘Vorsprung durch Technik’; - Audi.

• 'Think different' – Apple.

• 'The real thing' - Coca-Cola.

• 'Quality never goes out of style' – Levis.

• 'I’m loving it' - McDonald's.

• 'Let your fingers do the walking' - Yellow Pages.

• ‘Finger lickin’ good.’ – KFC.

• 'Live in your world. Play in ours' – PlayStation.

• 'Just do it'. – Nike.

• TRANSITION: Nike’s ‘Just do it’ has been called the last great advertising slogan,

• They have been using it for 30 years and it is as relevant now as 30 years ago!


• Kevin Barron says the shortest sermon he knows is only nine words long.

• It was preached by his grandfather to a small, country congregation,

• And based on the story of the Good Samaritan.

• After reading the Bible passage, Kevin’s grandfather mounted the pulpit and said,

• “We all know what this means. Just do it.”

• Then he sat down, sermon over.

• Transition: Well, my sermon will be more than nine words long,

• But the punchline will be just the same, “Just do it!”

• This best known parable of Jesus was told in response to a question;

• The question was asked by an expert in Jewish law in verse 25:

“On one occasion an expert in the law stood up to test Jesus.

“Teacher,” he asked, “what must I do to inherit eternal life?”


• Some translations call the man ‘a lawyer’.

• Some translations call the man; ‘a scribe’.

• Others use the expression ‘Teachers of the Law’

• They are just three different descriptions to try and help us understand what this man did.

• ill: We might call a carpenter; a joiner, or a chippy, or a wood-worker, or a tradesman.

• These are all different names for that one occupation of carpenter.

Question: So what exactly was a ‘The teachers of the Law’ (a ‘Scribe’ a ‘lawyer’);


• ‘The teachers of the Law’ were closely allied to the Pharisees,

• They were very learned men; experts in the Law of Moses.

• Their role was to make sure the law was correctly interpreted.

• These teachers of the Law or Scribes;

• Were closely connected with the priesthood in Jerusalem.

• In fact many of them may have been priests or Levites;

• Who did scribal study when they were not on duty.

• They were experts in the first five books of the Bible; The Torah;

• The Law of Moses.

• They were always able to give an authoritative answer on each & any situation that arose.

Note: As a legal expert in the Law you can be sure that this man knew his scriptures;

• So the question he asks Jesus is what we might call a ‘loaded’ question.

• He already knew what the answer was.

• That is why in verse 25 we read he wanted to ‘Test Jesus.’

• Jesus also knew this was a loaded question,

• So like a boomerang Jesus throws the question back on the enquirer;

• And in verse 26: “Jesus replied, “What does the law of Moses say?”

• We might paraphrase his reply as:

• “You read and study the Law each day, that’s your job,

• Therefore you ought to know the answer, what does it say?”

And as you might expect in verse 27 the expert in the law gives a good & credible answer:

“He answered, “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind’; and, ‘Love your neighbour as yourself.’””

• The expert of the Law does what Jesus would do on a number of occasions:

• In his answer he summarises the 10 commandments.

• By quoting Deuteronomy chapter 6 verse 5 and Leviticus chapter 19 verse 18.

• “Love God with everything”

• That summarises the first 4 commandments (upward – us & or dealings with God).

• “Love your neighbour as yourself”:

• That summarises the other 6 commandments (outward – us & our dealings with others).

Then in verse 28 Jesus ‘hits the nail on the head’:

• He says to this expert in the Law: “You have answered correctly,”

• But…..notice Jesus also added, “Do this and you will live.”

• Don’t miss those two little words “Do this”.

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