
Summary: It is not easy but it is essential today that moms are Godly. Whether stay at home or working women it is necessary that we understand God's way of thinking about the family.

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Intro: Tony Campolo says that his wife is a brilliant woman. She has a PHD & is capable of pursuing a very profitable career. But she elected to stay home with her children when they were young. Her decision didn’t bother her at all except when other women would ask, “What do you do?” She would answer, “I’m a homemaker. I stay home & take care of my children & my husband.” They would

usually respond with “Oh” & then ignore her from then on.

So Mrs. Campolo came up with this response when she was asked what she did: “I’m socializing two Homo-sapiens in Judeo-Christian values so they’ll appropriate the eschatological values of utopia. What do you do?” They would often blurt out “I’m a doctor” or “I’m a lawyer” & then wander off with a dazed look in their eyes.

Whether you are a stay at home mom or working mom Mrs. Campolo creatively reveals it is not by any means easy but is essential for the family. The frontline of the battle with the devil today is the way we think about the family. In Titus one Paul talks about the People of Crete who lived a violent, dishonest, immoral life. In fact they were so good at living that lifestyle it is where the we come to call someone with that type of lifestyle a Cretan. It is in this letter to Titus that Paul emphasizes the connection between Godly belief and Godly behavior. The behavior comes from a relationship with Jesus Christ where the living truth transforms your formerly corrupt lifestyle.

Saving faith is not simply saying you agree with the Gospel. The Gospel tells us Jesus is King and calls us to surrender our life to the good king. However Paul is giving practical principles for those who have trusted Christ and formerly lived or live in a corrupt or ungodly world. We live today in an ever increasingly ungodly world. Jesus said that you must be born again to see the kingdom of Heaven in John 3. A new life begins when you surrender your life to Jesus’ direction. However a baby in Christ is not expected to know everything about relating to their father.

Titus 2:10 “but demonstrating utter faithfulness, so that they may adorn the teaching of God our Savior in everything.

11 For the grace of God has appeared with salvation for all people, 12 instructing us to deny godlessness and worldly lusts and to live in a sensible, righteous, and godly way in the present age, 13 while we wait for the blessed hope and appearing of the glory of our great God and Savior, Jesus Christ.

What does God’s grace instruct us to do according to Paul? 1) To deny Godlessness 2) worldly lusts 3) Live sensibly, righteous, and Godly in the present age. Paul addresses these principles to women especially in regards to the family.

I. Older Women

Titus 2:3 “In the same way, older women are to be reverent in behavior, not slanderers, not addicted to much wine. They are to teach what is good,”

A) Righteous mind-set

Reverent in behavior the word in the Greek originally carried the idea of how they dressed, walked, and general attitude. The emphasis is on inner character that makes it way out in outward lifestyle. If you believe a Christian with correct teaching and closeness to Jesus shouldn’t change you shouldn’t expect someone to yank their hand out of a hot fire. Jesus very nature is to change the attitudes and then actions of the people he lives in.

B) Righteous mouth

Malicious gossips or word slingers. Godly women do not sling stories or repeat rumors that will damage someone. The word in Greek carries the idea of throwing between. Satan threw lies between God and man resulting in separation. It also caused separation between Adam and Eve. If you are Godly you won’t listen to Gossip or throw between words much less spread them. Men tend to abuse physically but women tend to do more verbally.

C) Righteous choice

Not addicted or enslaved to wine. Why does Paul warn against addiction? Addiction to anything first controls then consumes. It doesn’t matter the drug, lying, drinking, dipping, smoking, sodas, food, if it consumes you it controls you. We are called to be crucified with Christ. That means that our desires are to be directly under His control. Otherwise our desires compete with Jesus direction.

2:3 “so that” purposeful clause. Older women are to be an example so that you can encourage the younger women.

II. Younger Women

Self interest is being taught by advertising, religion, etc. Jesus says serve not self. Love is something we do not something we feel. Paul is encouraging the older women to teach younger women relationship priority. God husband, children, others.

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