
Summary: Why We Learn Best By Doing - The Bible says, "Be doers of the word and not merely hearers who deceive themselves.

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Why We Learn Best By Doing -

The Bible says, "Be doers of the word and not merely hearers who deceive themselves." Without making practical applications to what we think about our knowledge is only superficial. (James 1 :22)

1. Jesus said, "You will know (Have real life experiences) the truth and the truth will set you free. Jesus knew that the Pharisees understanding of the scriptures was incomplete so he used the Greek word ginosko for "know" which means to have such thorough experience with something that it becomes a part of your entire being. (John 8:31,32)

2. Jesus said, "If we are faithful in obeying the less important responsibilities in life we will not be ready to assume greater tasks. (Luke 16: 10) We all have different ways that we process information, but applications allows us to personally own knowledge and adjust it to our own strengths, backgrounds, and perceptions.

3. Jesus appointed men who were willing to learn through a close association with Him and were willing to learn through trial and error. (Mark 3: 14)

4. Some of the greatest times of learning came when the apostles gathered around Jesus and reported to Him all they had done and taught. (Mark 6:30)

5. When Jesus called twelve men, immediately he gave the power and authority to drive out demons and cure diseases. Then Jesus sent He sent them out to preach the kingdom of God and to heal the sick.

6. They came back ecstatic with their new abilities. (Luke 9: 1-5) Adults learn best through opportunities to take on responsibilities in a context of trust and supervision. (John 21: 15 - 17)

.. Benefits of Letting People Learn By Doing -

1. Adults have a greater capacity to learn holistically. Paul taught Timothy through his teaching, lifestyle, love, faith, patience, endurance, persecutions, sufferings. (2 Tim. 3: 10)

2. People who learn by doing are more apt to pass on what they have learned to other disciples. (2 Tim. 2:2)

3. Through associations with Godly people we are apt to learn a variety of approaches that will tend to suit some, but not others. (2 Tim. 2:22-24)

4. Learning in a realistic context tends to bring people to a greater level of maturity in their faith, knowledge, attitudes, and skills. (2 Tim. 2:25,26)

5. Allowing for experimentation in learning give people the freedom to make mistakes without fearing condemnation. (Rom. 8: 1 -3)

6. Through the guidance of the Holy Spirit, each believer is able to learn the best ways that God leads in His will, His word, and His work. (John 16: 13)

7. People are given greater insight into the teaching, rebuking, correcting and training aspects of the scriptures as they try to apply its truth. (2 Tim. 3: 16,17)

Hazards of Not Be Willing to Learn by Doing -

1. Unless people are willing to obey the truth they know God will not reveal more truth to them. (John 14:21)

2. Jesus taught people that unless they were willing to do His will they would never be able to understand it real significant lessons. (John 7: 17)

3. Paul warned people about becoming like a group of women who were always learning information and acquiring theoretical knowledge, but failed to arrive at the full recognition and understanding of the truth. (2 Tim. 3:7)

4. If we do not use what we are taught, we will tend to lose it. (2 Tim. 2: 15) People who just sit around philosophizing engage in godless chatter and eventually become more unGodly. (2 Tim. 2: 16)

5. People who failed to obey God become callused in their minds towards truth. (Rom. 1: 18-22)

6. People who run away from the hardships of the Christian life eventually give themselves over to fleshly pursuits.

7. People who do not obey the truth fail to develop deep roots and when the hardships of life come along they are blown away. (Matt. 7:24-27)

8. People who fail to do the will of God and produce quantitative and qualitative spiritual fruit eventually become choked out by the worries, riches and pleasures of this life. (Mark 4: 1-24)

How To Help People Learn By Doing -

1. Give them small assignments to see if they are faithful in little things before giving them bigger responsibilities. (Luke 16: 10)

2. Do not put too much responsibility on those who are yet to ascend the ladder of ministry maturity: comers, growers, developers, disciplers, leaders, reproducers, multipliers, Christ-like visionairies. (2 Pet. 1 :3-9)

3. Help people to become more committed to Christ, The Planting and Growing of the Church and the Great Commission by being an example to them in all of these areas. (Matt. 28: 19,20)

4. Involve yourself in teaching, discipling and the sending of faithful men into the harvest fields for church planting, evangelism, discipleship and church growth ministries. (2 Tim. 2: 1-5)

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