Leadership Banquet 2010
Contributed by Rick Gillespie- Mobley on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: This sermon is given to encourage the leaders of the church to come on board for our 2 year Building Campaign, "Excelling In Giving." My wife and I preached together as a team.
Leadership Banquet
In every church, God places a key component thats critical to its success. The success of Glenville New Life Community PCUSA is found gathered in this room. Our key component is the willingness of the leadership of this church to submit itself first to Jesus Christ, and then to one another in that same spirit.
Where ever we go and people ask about our church, we always find a way to bring the conversation around to how the Lord has used you to make a difference in this part of the body of Christ.
When we think of the honor of serving at Glenville New Life Community Church, the words which come to mind is Give thanks with a grateful heart, give thanks to the Holy one, Give thanks because Hes given Jesus Christ His Son.
We are all what we are because of Jesus Christ, who has come into our lives and made a change. Each one of us here has a testimony of how our presence at Glenville New Life Community Church has in some way changed the course and direction of our lives. Some of us shudder to think where we might be today if the Lord had not met us at this church
We appreciate that this is a church where Jesus Christ is proclaimed as Lord and Jesus Christ is actively changing the lives of people.. We are unashamed in saying that Jesus is the only Way to God, He is the Truth, and He is the Life. Jesus is the one who makes us all equal at the foot of the cross. He didnt die more for some of us and less for others. He said all of us were in need of His salvation. Our goal at Glenville goal is to lift up the name of Jesus Christ and become witnesses for Him , because if we have Jesus we have everything, if we dont have Jesus, we have nothing.
We as pastors appreciate the call of God on your lives. Some of you were in Christ long before we came . Others of us have come to know Jesus as your Lord and Savior since. This church could not be what it is today without the prior faithfulness of those of you who were here before we came and with the continual faithfulness of those who have since joined in. God did not send us here to start a work in ministry, but rather to build up on a ministry which He had already put in place.
The other pastors before us did the digging, the planting, some did the weeding, and we did the watering, but it was God all along who was making the church grow. God had a plan for the church then, God has a plan for the church now, and God has a plan for the church in the future.
God didnt call you just to come to the church. God called you because there was something He wanted to do in you. You didnt get saved just to go to heaven. The word of God says, Eph 2:10 For we are Gods workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do. Say it with me. God has prepared a work for me to do for Him today.
In the past few weeks in Life-Sharing in our series Does God Know You, youve seen how God has been more than gracious to us in saving us while we were yet sinners. God began the love relationship that we find ourselves involved in. Because of the sacrifices God made through His son Jesus Christ, making sacrifices for the cause of Christ should be an everyday part of our lives.
Each Sunday our benediction reminds us of the reasonable sacrifices we are to be making on behalf of the kingdom. In the next few weeks, you as leaders will be in a time of prayer seeking to understand what sacrifice God is calling you to make in our Excellling in Giving Campaign. Our goal is to properly equip our church to be in the position to continue to make a difference in peoples lives.
We appreciate the openness to the move of the Spirit in the lives of many of you as individuals. At Glenville, we recognize that not every opportunity to serve God is going to be something great, but it will be something needed. We as pastor the pastoral staff need your willingness to be servants for the Lord. We dont do the ushering, the counting, the nursery, the singing, but you do. You collate, you clean, you cook, your encourage, you direct, you type, you pray, you visit, and you mail.