
Summary: Theree people with different attitude can be changed in to one by the Lord

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Lazarus come out

Jesus came to the house of Lazarus. In the Gospels we can see that Jesus went to the house of different people. In Cana he went to the wedding ceremony. He went to the House of Peters Mother-in-Law. He went to the house of Jairas. During his ministry he went to so many houses. Wherever he went it was a blessing for that house. He never become a problems wherever he went, but he was solving the problems faced by the respective families. If we invite him to our house, our life, he will solve all the problems in our life.

If we go to a house, are we trouble makers or a blessing to that house? My master was a blessing to the house wherever he visited. So let us be a blessing to the house where we visit.

Jesus was invited by Martha to her house (Luke 10: 38) Let us Invite Jesus to our house. Let Him be with us in our House. He should be the leader and the controller of our everything. That will be a blessing.

We can watch three kind of people in this family.

Luke 10:38 – 42

1.Martha: She invited Jesus to her house. And was very busy in taking care of Master’s needs. When we first meet her, she is with a complaint against her sister Mary. In her mind she just wanted to complaint about her sisters, who has left her alone to do the household works. But when she started to utter her complaint, it turners to the Master, whom she had invited to her house, who is the guest. See her words. “ Lord, don’t you care that my sister has left me to do the work by myself? Tell her to help me!" Lord, don’t you care, means even her Lord also is careless, that he kept Mary with him and left Martha to do the work. The same thing is happening in our life. After we start accusing others, we end up in accusing even our Almighty God. So it is better not to complaint & keep our mouth shut. Those who accuse others end up in accusing the Almighty. Even though she said this, it was unintentional. The other thing, our business or activities should not keep us away from our Lord. Jesus told here Mary had chosen the best thing. To be with Jesus and listen the word of God. Even though she is accusing her sister and her master, the master loves her.

2.Mary: She is spiritual. We see her at the feet of Jesus. She loves to listen the words of her Master. Her full attention is on the Word of God. She never care about the household matters. She is very near to Jesus and spiritual. And our master witness about Mary to her Sister Martha that "Martha, Martha," the Lord answered, "you are worried and upset about many things, but only one thing is needed. Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from her." She is a roll model for the believers. We should be like her. There is no need to say that Jesus loves her also.

3.Lazarus: Even though the Spiritual meeting is going on in his house, he is not in the picture. He is busy with his business. He neither oppose the things that are going on in his house nor support the Ministry. Not so Cold, not so Hot. Lukewarm status. We must be hot or Cold. Other wise God will spit us out from his mouth. That is what said about the Church in Revelation. He was unreachable to spiritual things. He never allow himself to be caught by spiritual people. This kind of people may be there in your family, in our Church. Don’t worry, Our master have a great plan for them. When they go through His plan, they will understand, how much his master loves him. Our master will bring them to the Lord as in the cause of Lazarus. Because he loves this kind of people also.

Three kinds of people with different attitudes.

Even though these three people in a house was different kind of people with different attitude. But our Jesus Loved each one of them very much. He wants to bring them in one path. He wants to make them like minded people. When Lazarus become sick, his sisters send word to Jesus, "Lord, the one you love is sick." (John 11:1-14) Jesus loved Lazarus. Their words clearly tell us that very thing. They are very confident to tell that Jesus loves their brother. Because by his words and deeds Jesus proved that He loves them. And they have faith in Jesus that he can deliver them from the present sufferings, whatever it may be. When we visit others, do they understand, by our deeds and words, that we love them. Do they have faith in us to tell their problems, so that we may sit with them and pray for them for the deliverance. Let our words and deeds may bring some faith in others to call us when they are in trouble. That is what our master expecting from us.

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