Laying On Of Hands
Contributed by Stephen Funderburk on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: doctrines of the bible
Intro: before we begin tonight on our study of laying on of hands, I would like to give you a simple explanation why we are called a full gospel church. A. all protestant, evangelical churches have basically common doctrines, The Inspired Word of God, Jesus Savior, Son of God, Worship, Heaven, Hell, Judgment, Satan, Last Days Events.
B. full gospel churches—differ in these key areas, anointing with oil, exuberant worship, gifts of the Holy Spirit in operation in the church, spiritual warfare, ( believing in Satanic opposition) intercessory prayer,
The baptism in the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in other tongues, and tonight’s subject, laying on of hands.
Laying On Of Hands
I Timothy 4:14
Paul in writing the book of Timothy, reminded Timothy of his commission, gifting that was confirmed by the laying on of hands. One of the great problems of an election process, is someone isn’t ordained into ministry because of a vote or election, they are ordained into ministry as spiritual elders confirm them by the laying on of hands. The leaders in this church aren’t ordained because the body votes them in, they are ordained for ministry as they are installed by the Pastor.
I. Laying on of hands in the Old Testament…Leviticus 1:4, 3:2, 4:15, 16:21—the priest would transfer the sins of the people on an innocent animal by laying his hands on the animal prior to being sacrificed.
This was a foreshadowing of the Work of Christ on the Cross as the lamb of God. Isaiah 53:6—al we like sheep have gone astray, we have turned every one to his own way and the Lord hath laid on him the iniquity of us all.
Before his death Moses laid hands on Joshua—Numbers 27:18, 22-23
We find a fourfold reason to this laying on of hands
a. Ordination—or recognition before others of God’s purpose. Duet.34:9
b. Spiritual Impartation—Numbers 27:20, Duet 34:9
c. Appointment into position—Numbers 27;18
d. Transfer of spiritual authority—Numbers 27;23
II. Laying on of hands in the New Testament
· blessing children—Mark 10:16—this is such an exciting opportunity for all believers to bless their children. Speaking a Word over them is great, but there is something special about that touch. Sometimes there is a laying on of hands, sometimes there is a joining of hands, sign of agreement.
· ordination of ministers—Acts 6:6—once again we stress that the biblical ordination didn’t come from the people, but from the minister.
· Sending Missionaries into service—Acts 13:2-3 One of the most exciting parts of our district counsel is the sending out of missionaries to the field. The leaders lay hands on them and pray they will prosper in their work.
· Receiving the Holy Spirit—Acts 8:18—
· Impartation of Gifts—Romans 1:11, 2 Timothy 1:6 I think we must spend a few minutes here because if this is misunderstood you can have all types of problems.
a. first of all, this is Paul the Apostle speaking, one of the most gifted, anointed, submitted to Christ individuals who ever walked the earth. Not everyone can just lay hands on you an impart gifts and anointing. Someone can’t give what they don’t possess.
b. Secondly, Timothy was a sold out young man who was mentors directly by Paul, not that he was some lukewarm Christians running after someone to get the anointing imparted on them.
c. This isn’t a set in stone formula as the only way to receive the anointing, because I Corithians 12 says that the Holy Spirit gives these manifestations of the Holy Spirit out severally as He wills.
· Receiving a prophetic word over your life—(called out) I Timothy 4:14—evidently a prophetic word was spoken over Timothy, and this was accompanied by the laying on of hands.
· Praying for the sick—Mark 16:18, James 5
III. Guidelines for laying on of hands—
a. lay hands on no man suddenly—I Timothy 5:22—over the years I have heard some very off the wall explanations of this verse. One person even said, if the person was demon possessed, if you laid hands on them suddenly, you might become demon possessed too. Wow!
But the simple explanation of this verse, Paul was writing to Timothy, who was Pastor, so Paul gave warning, don’t ordain people under you by laying hands on them, until they are proven. Here is some simple logic, Timothy, don’t surround yourself with leadership, don’t place people into ministry to quickly, because if you do, you will have a lot of undoing to do.
b. don’t lay hands on someone until God’s hands are resting on you. It is very serious to lay hands on anyone else, because you are saying by this action, I am God’s representative into your life.
c. Don’t bless someone else’s sin. Don’t be a partaker of another’s sin. Here is the explanation: if you bless someone, you lay hands on them and bless them, but God is dealing with them about sin in their life, about things that need correction, if you go and bless them, in some way, you become a partaker of their sin.