Last Words
Contributed by Brian Harvison on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: A look at some of Christ’s last words on the cross and His last words recorded in the Bible
Last Words
Matthew 27:46
Often times we can learn a lot about a person’s life from their last words
We can also delve deep into their inner being and truly see what they are experiencing among their last moments here on earth
Here are a few examples of some famous last words
P.T. Barnum - 1891: “How were the receipts today at Madison Square Garden?”
Humphrey Bogart - 1942: “I should never have switched from Scotch to Martinis”
Writer, Oscar Wilde - 1900: he died saying “Either that wallpaper goes or I do”
Lady Nancy Astor - 1964: “Am I dying, or is it my birthday”
Author, James M Barrie: “I can’t sleep”
General John Sedgwick: killed in battle during the Civil War in 1864 saying “They couldn’t hit an elephant from this dist….”
Robert Erskins Childers - 1922: executed by firing squad said “Take a step forward, lads. It will be easier that way”
Paul Claudel - 1955: asked “Doctor, do you think it could have been the sausage?”
And we all know what a redneck’s famous last words are
“Hey! Watch this!”
This morning we are going to look at some last words of our Savior as he hung on the cross
Luke 23:46 records Jesus’ last words as “Father, into thy hands I commend my spirit”
Signifying that He gave Himself for us
No one took His life
He willingly gave it
John 19:30 records them as “It is finished”
He had fulfilled His task
The single Greek word used here which is translated “it is finished” has been found placed on receipts for taxes
Meaning “paid in full”
Jesus came to finish God’s work of salvation
But the last words of Jesus recorded in Matthew 37:46 and also in Mark 15:34 are
“Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani”
Which means “My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?”
These are the words we will focus on today
My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?
This very moment is the whole reason Jesus came to earth
This very moment changed all of history
For this was the moment that our Savior took upon Himself all of the sin burden this world has ever faced
This is the moment He was relinquished by the Father
I. Relinquished
To relinquish is to abandon something
To give something up or put something aside
That is what God had to do
Because God can not look upon sin
And Jesus was made sin for us
So He had to be abandoned
But this relinquishment of the Son had a two fold outcome
First this is the moment of atonement
A. Atonement
Atonement means “making amends for an offense, cleansing”
Romans 3:25 “God presented Him as a sacrifice of atonement”
As one who would turn aside His wrath, taking away sin
These words reveal the awful price He had to pay to atone for our sin
From noon till 3 pm there was darkness
Luke 23:44-45 says “it was now the sixth hour (noon) and darkness came over the whole land…for the sun stopped shining”
We do not know how this darkness occurred, but it is clear God caused it
We also do not know what happened to our Lord Jesus during those three hours
The darkness was nature’s sympathy with its Creator
Nature itself testified to the gravity of Jesus’ death
Extraordinary light attended His birth
Extraordinary attended His death
The darkness that afternoon was both physical and spiritual
For not only was there darkness of nature, but there was darkness in the soul of our Savior
At last the silence is broken by a cry
Only once did the Lord Jesus call upon His Father as God
And it was here
He appeals to God as the Creator
And that is the very lowest ground
In the darkness He has not lost the knowledge or fact of His Son-ship to the Father
He has lost the right, for the time being, on account of taking our place
You will notice this is a question
The only question ever uttered to the Father from those lips
And how startling it is to find that to that solitary question there was no reply
This question was a deep expression of the anguish He felt when He took on the sins of the world
Which caused Him to be separated from His Father
This was what Jesus dreaded as He prayed to God in the garden to take the cup from Him
The physical agony was horrible
But even worse was the period of spiritual separation from God
Jesus suffered this double death so that we would never have to experience eternal separation from God
B. Separation - Forsaken
Just listen to the agony in Jesus’ voice as He cried those words