Last Batch Of Prodigal Sons
Contributed by Samuel M on Jan 19, 2025 (message contributor)
Summary: Father God is waiting for all of the prodigal sons to return back. When they all return, God is closing of this era, and the marriage of the lamb will begin, followed by a celebration. There is a celebration coming and the Triune God will be part of this celebration.
But the father said to his servants, ‘Bring out the best robe and put it on him, and put a ring on his hand and sandals on his feet. Luke 15:22
This is what Trinity does with all Prodigal Sons who come back to their senses and return to God. They provide a best robe, a ring and sandals. All the three members of the Trinity are waiting for the son to return. When the Prodigal Sons return, Father God summons all of the other Trinity members to perform a specific action.
Father God commands his servants to bring out the best robe and put it on the Prodigal Son. The best robe that Father gives to all prodigal sons is the robe of Christ' righteousness. It cleanses (removes) all guilt, shame, defeat, and nakedness, rendering us acceptable to God. It is a divine fabric woven by the hands of the Holy Spirit and washed in the blood of Jesus Christ. It was prepared before eternity and made available on the Cross. It is available for all Prodigal Sons who come to their senses via repentance and a correct understanding of God.
It's an ancient eternal fabric that cannot be torn or worn out. It protects us from the wrath of God and the taunts of the enemy. This robe is a sign that we are restored back - as sons of the living God into the divine lineage of God, making us part of his inheritance and heritage.
Jesus puts a ring on the Prodigal Son's hand. It is a symbol of marriage. Jesus, the bride, marries the bridegroom, the prodigal son.
Holy Spirit - Puts new sandals on him. Removes old sandals and puts new sandals. Removes earthly sandals and replaces them with heavenly sandals. The Holy Spirit removes all earthly dirt and attachments, prepares us to spend eternity with God in heaven.
And bring the fatted calf here and kill it, and let us eat and be merry; for this my son was dead and is alive again; he was lost and is found.’ And they began to be merry. Luke 15:23-24
In the story of the prodigal son, end times and millennium are also mentioned. When the last batch of prodigal sons return, there is a celebration, and Father God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit along with entire heaven are part of it. It's a time for music, rejoicing, dancing, and celebrating. It’s a party like never before and there is a cosmic celebration of astronomical proportions.
Father God is waiting for all of the prodigal sons to return back. When they all return, God is closing of this era, and the marriage of the lamb will begin, followed by a celebration. There is a celebration coming and the Triune God will be part of this celebration. Are you prepared for the celebration ?