Last Batch Of Harvest
Contributed by Samuel M on Jan 5, 2025 (message contributor)
Summary: God, as the heavenly ploughmen along with his chariots of angels are gathering the crop, and only the last batch of crop is left to be collected.
In a vision, a young man was taken to a vast field. The field contained a variety of crops, including food, fibre, and ornamental crops such as vegetables, oils and fruit. All are grown on the same field. The crop or harvest was made up people from every nation, creed and caste. Almost the entire field of crops has been collected. There is a last batch of crop left to be collected.
God, as the heavenly ploughmen along with his chariots of angels are gathering the crop, and only the last batch of crop is left to be collected. God was in the centre, sitting on a gigantic circular chariot, collecting the harvest. God was gathering the harvest at a rapid pace, and based on that rate(speed), even the last batch would be gathered in microseconds. All the three members of Trinity are involved in collecting the harvest. It’s a three way crop collection process. Father collects it first, followed by Jesus and the Holy Spirit. They are ensuring that all good crops are collected and all tares are appropriately removed. They are ensuring that not one good crop is left.
When we look with our eyes, we see that the crop looks very good and beautiful. It is difficult to identify, recognise and separate tares. The tares are so deeply cross cultivated with the crop. Angels are carefully removing the tares. God on the top of the chariot was saying, "Collect the last batch of harvest and close this age." The time is almost over. God is winding up this age. The crop was chopped, removing all earthly roots. God is removing all earthly roots: desires, wealth, and possessions. God, after collecting the harvest, destroys the field and burns all the tares. The earth we live is set for destruction.
Do not set your affections on earthly things such as wealth or possessions, because everything on earth is set for destruction. Time is too short. Tell the world the second coming is very near. The Lord's coming will no longer be delayed. The end times are upon us. It is only a matter of time before God's compassionate eyes turn into burning flames, as in judgement. His chosen people will be caught with Jesus. He is removing all earthly affections from his people. God is preparing inside temples (heart temples) where He can come and dwell, rather than outside physical temples.
People who look outward (at physical situations) will be discouraged or disappointed, but those who look inward will experience God and His Glory. We are in the last days, and God is sending the last batch of evangelists and missionaries to prepare the final harvest. Don’t let anyone fool you that in this season you will receive greater earthly blessings and wealth. There will be shakings and devastations everywhere, but God will fill his temples (heart) with his Glory. All external foundations will be shaken, but all temples of hearts will be filled with his Glory. There will be many earthquakes, viruses, famines, and disasters.
Everything visible on earth will perish. The temple of the heart will not perish, and God will fill it with His Glory. Look inward and don’t look at the outward calamities. God is winding up this age.