
Summary: This message is second in a series on discerning the will of God. The first dealt with how to judge a prophetic word of God, this one is a continuation of how do we know when we should stay or go. Also entitled, "How not to leave a church"

Determining the will of God (2)

(How to leave a church)


I. Intro

A. Review -- Last time we saw 3 different things to consider

1. Prov. 11:4 - Multitude of counselors

2. Amos 3:3 -- Power of agreement

3. Heb. 13:17 -- Relating to authority


II. There are times when God orchestrates a change

A. Exodus 3;10 -- Moses was told to go.

1. Heb. 11:24-26 -- Was hearing the voice, had wrong concepts, trust in self

B. Heb. 11:8 -- By faith Abraham

1. Gen 12:1 -- leave your country and family .. yet took Lot along.

III. Many times we are tempted to move for the wrong reasons

A. Abraham

Gen. 12:10 -- he left Promised land for Egypt because things were getting tough in Canaan, famine... PL wasn’t as good as he thought

B. Book of Ruth

1:2 -- left Bethlehem... “house of bread”

1:3-5 -- met with death

1:6 -- “mara” bitter ... there was bitterness at God for what had happened

a. Many make changes and moves because of bitterness

1:16 -- Desired to leave because of

a. commitment to covenant relationship (Orpha only had human affection, not an understanding of covenant relationship

b. desire to pursue God

IV. You may allow you to run from that which he has for you.

A. Ezekiel 14:3-7, I will answer him according to the idols of his heart

B. Jeremiah 42: 1-6, 10,19; 43:2,4 -- They picked and choose their “word”.

C. Hebrews 11:15 -- God will allow you to run from situations not his will)

a. 1 Kings 1:18-19... out of discouragement ran from Jezebel... God said, “What are you doing here Elijah?

b. Num. 22 -- Balaam was told not to go, donkey spoke, and yet when Balaam persisted in his way, God allowed him to go... this eventually destroyed Balaam who eventually sided with God’s enemy and was killed by Israel in battle (Num 31:8)

D. Jesus (John 6:67) -- Do you want to leave?

E. We are in a culture where people run easily

1. From marriage, pregnancy, keeping promises, church to church, etc.

V. Getting God’s Best in times of change (how to leave a church)

A. How not to leave a church, a job,

1. Over an offense (luke 17:1ff)

a. many are unable to function in their calling because of hurts and wounds... often by a believer (Psalm 55:12-14)

b. Jesus offended a lot of people... vipers, money changers tables, let dead bury dead, Hypocrites, white washed tombs, hometown, family, disciples (Jn 6: 60-66), close friends (Jn 11:1-6), John the Baptist (Lk 7:18-23).

c. Mt. 24:10-13... a sing of the end of the age = many offended... love grows cold (v.12)aand deceived (v.11).

d. 2 Tim. 3:1-5, 4:3,4 -- In last days, men are unforgiving, a form, but no power to change,

1) know a lot... seminars, ntgs, magazines, TV, yet more charismatics run from one to church to another to escape offense, all professing the lordship of Jesus, yet not forgiving.

e. Mark 4:16,17 -- Seed on rocky ground .. offended (God or man)

ill. Settler coming to Western town... that’s how the people are in this town.

How to leave a church

a. humility... realize you have done many things wrong (Rev. 3)

b. Nothing against anyone

c. Peace (isaiah 55:14)

d. Open ... there is no one you are trying to avoid in Body, leadership, etc.

e. Joy ... Isa. 55:14

f. With purpose and planning (Isaiah 28:16)

g. Continuing to sow love... Gal. 6:8,9

h. Blessing and praying for others (Mt. 5:44) (Samuel)

i. Based on the leading of the Holy Spirit (Rom. 8:14)

j. Grace (1 Peter 5:5)

k. tender heart towards the Lord, brokeness (Heb. 3:13)

l. Yielding your rights and with concern for others

m. Covering others faults (1 Peter 4:8)

n. Building up others (Rom 14:19)

o. Drawing near to jesus, holiness, and righteousness (Heb. 12:14,15)

p. faith

How Not to leave a church

a. proud .. see self as a victu, mistreated, misjudged

b. grudge against others

c. quarrel ... in mind have arguments with others

d. hide ... ther are peopel or situations you don’t want to face

e. Grumbler and complainer .. James 4:12, 5:9

f. Hastily in a hurry (Job 2:2)

g. Unforgiving, tearing down others (Rom. 14:19)

h. Blame... others or defend our position, try to remove the speck in anothers eye (Heb. 3:13) and want to get even and make others pay (Rom. 12:19)

i. Based on what others have done

j. You uare fed up

k. hardened... thru the deceitfulness of sin

l. Protecting your rights

m. Want to expose the faults of others (1 Peter 4:8)

n. Look down on others and how they do things (Php 2:3)

o. Feel abandoned, aloof from the Lord

p. fear

q. Everyone is out to get me, is against me (Gen. 4:14, Prov. 18:1)

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