
Summary: Resurrection Day

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For me personally, this is one of my most favorite days of the year. On this day, we celebrate the most important day in the life of a believer; the day of Jesus victory over death, hell, and the grave. It is this victory that gives us the profound description of Jesus Christ, as the Resurrection and the Life.

We see Jesus Christ as the eternal King of kings.

We see Him as the Great I AM whose name is above all names.

We see Him as the Lamb of God who was lifted up on a cross for our sins and salvation.

But the most profound truth about Jesus Christ, is that He is the Resurrection and the Life. What you believe about the resurrection of Jesus Christ is so important, that it will determine the outcome of your eternal soul. I humbly ask that you listen carefully and allow this great truth about Jesus Christ as the Resurrection and the Life to speak into your heart.

John 11:25 Jesus said, "I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in Me, though he may die, he shall live. 26 And whoever lives and believes in Me shall never die. Do you believe this?" NKJV

1 Peter 1:3 Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who according to His abundant mercy has begotten us again to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead… NKJV


When D.L. Moody was a young man and had just started preaching, he was asked to preach a funeral. In preparing for His message, he searched the four Gospels looking to find a sermon that Christ had used at a funeral. However, in his search, he quickly discovered that Christ broken up every funeral he attended, because death could not exist where he was.

Think about this; every time the dead heard His voice, they sprang to life. As the resurrection and the life, Jesus Christ is the author of life and the conqueror of death, for it is impossible for death to stand in His presence. As the conqueror of death, Jesus said…

John 11:26 whoever lives and believes in Me shall never die… NKJV

Those who believe in Jesus Christ may die physically, but you will never die spiritually. The resurrection of Jesus Christ is the single, most dynamic truth in the word of God. Its importance is so great, that it will take all eternity to realize the riches and the inheritance that is ours through the resurrection of Jesus Christ.

The world has experienced numerous events that have impacted history, but there is absolutely no event that has ever impacted the world like the resurrection of Jesus Christ.

But the great question that is at stake here today is; do you believe in the resurrection of Jesus Christ? Have you personally experienced the life changing power of His resurrection?

I want you to hear this very clearly, death is not the end. Every person in this room will spend eternity somewhere. The Bible clearly states there are only two choices; eternal life or eternal death. And the decision you make regarding what you believe about Jesus Christ and His resurrection will ultimately determine your eternal destination.

For those who know Jesus Christ, and believe that He lived, died and rose again; we have this

great promise from Jesus when He said… He who believes in Me, though he may die, he shall live. Glory to God, what a promise!


Consider this powerful thought; if Jesus did not rise from the dead, then the Christian message is the biggest hoax in history. If Jesus did not rise from the grave, then we, as Christians, are terribly deceived and the Bible is a total lie.

Christianity is the only religion that has ever claimed its leader rose from the dead.

Archeologists have found the burial sites of Egypt’s greatest kings buried in massive tombs with great wealth. And yet, these kings are still in their tombs and they are still very dead.

The Taj Mahal in India is one of the world’s most dazzling tombs, and its occupants are still there, and are still very dead.

Mohammed died in 632 and he is still in his grave in Medina.

In the Red Square of Moscow lies the preserved body of Lenin, but he is still dead

I have personally visited the burial site of George Washington at Mount Vernon and his body is still there. My point is, all of these men still occupy their graves. But the grave of Jesus Christ is empty. And that makes Christianity the most unique religion in the world.


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