
Knock, Knock

PRO Sermon
Created by Sermon Research Assistant on Feb 5, 2024
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Encourages openness to the Holy Spirit's guidance, embracing its mystery, and understanding the transformative power of being born anew in the Spirit.


Welcome, dear family of faith, to this blessed gathering where we come together, united in spirit and truth, to seek wisdom from the Word of God. It's a joy to be in your presence, a joy to stand before you as we open our hearts and minds to the divine whispers of the Holy Spirit. We are here to embrace the mystery, to grasp the manifestations, and to move in synchrony with the Spirit.

Our focus today is found in the book of John, chapter 3, verses 7 and 8. Let's read together:

"Do not marvel that I said to you, ‘You must be born again.’ The wind blows where it wishes, and you hear its sound, but you do not know where it comes from or where it goes. So it is with everyone who is born of the Spirit."

These words, spoken by Jesus, invite us to understand the mysterious workings of the Holy Spirit. They beckon us to listen to the sound of the wind, to feel its gentle touch, and to surrender to its guiding force. Yes, friends, it's a call to be born anew, born of the Spirit.

As we ponder on these verses, let us remember the profound words of Charles Spurgeon, a man of great faith and wisdom, who said, "Without the Spirit of God, we can do nothing. We are as ships without the wind, branches without sap, and like coals without fire, we are useless." Spurgeon's words serve as a reminder of our utter dependence on the Holy Spirit, our need to be filled and moved by it.

So, let's ask ourselves: Are we allowing the Holy Spirit to move freely in our lives? Are we open to its manifestations? Are we embracing the mystery that comes with being born of the Spirit?

Let's bow our heads in prayer.

Heavenly Father, we thank You for gathering us here today. We stand before You, ready to be moved by Your Holy Spirit. We ask for Your wisdom as we seek to understand the mystery of being born anew. May Your Spirit guide our thoughts, our words, and our actions. Help us to be open to the manifestations of Your Spirit in our lives. We ask this in the name of Your precious Son, Jesus Christ. Amen.

Let’s get started!

Moving with the Holy Spirit

We find ourselves standing at the edge of a profound truth, a truth that is as deep as it is wide. It is the truth of the Holy Spirit's movement in our lives. The Holy Spirit is not a static entity, but a dynamic force that moves, guides, and transforms. It is like the wind that Jesus speaks of in the book of John. The wind that blows where it wishes, and you hear its sound, but do not know where it comes from or where it goes. This is the nature of the Holy Spirit's movement in our lives. It is not always predictable or understandable. It does not always follow the paths that we have laid out for ourselves. But it is always purposeful, always leading us towards God's will for our lives.

The unpredictability of the Holy Spirit's movement: Just like the wind, the Holy Spirit moves in ways that we cannot always predict or control. It may lead us in directions that we did not anticipate, into situations that we did not plan for. But in these unexpected movements, we find the opportunity for growth, for transformation, for a deeper understanding of God's will for our lives.

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The purposefulness of the Holy Spirit's movement: Even though we cannot always predict or control the movement of the Holy Spirit, we can trust that it is always leading us towards God's will for our lives. The Holy Spirit does not move aimlessly or randomly, but with a clear and definite purpose. It is guiding us, shaping us, molding us into the people that God wants us to be.

The transformative power of the Holy Spirit's movement: As the Holy Spirit moves in our lives, it brings about change, growth, and transformation. It is not a passive force, but an active and powerful one. It is not just a gentle breeze, but a mighty wind that can uproot old habits, break down barriers, and bring about new life.

The mystery of the Holy Spirit's movement: Just like the wind, the movement of the Holy Spirit is often mysterious and beyond our understanding. We cannot always see where it is coming from or where it is going. But in this mystery, we find the opportunity for faith, for trust, for surrender to God's will.

Manifestations of the Holy Spirit

The manifestations of the Holy Spirit are as numerous as they are diverse ... View this full PRO sermon free with PRO

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