Kiss The Son
Contributed by Rich O' Toole on Aug 22, 2024 (message contributor)
Summary: The promise of Messiah's reign. We can be friends of God.
Kiss the Son
Psalm 2
Good morning.
In Western cultures, kisses show different feelings within different relationships. Kissing my granddaughter is very different than kissing my wife.
A kiss on the cheek is common in many cultures around the world as a greeting.
How a person kisses another person on the cheek can vary depending on the culture, context, and relationship between the two people.
In France, the cheek kiss is a way to show affection and respect between friends and family members, but in the Middle East, a cheek kiss is a formal gesture used to show respect and honor.
Typically, in the Middle East, a kiss on the cheek is given without any other physical contact.
Please open your Bibles to Psalm 2 as we continue in our Study of that book.
Last week we heard an introduction to the Psalms as we covered Psalm 1 and learned about the two paths offered to each of us.
We learned some Hebrew poetry can be correct doctrine, but while interpreting poetry, we have to remember that the Lord allows feelings to be expressed, that are not doctrinal truths.
We learned that godly people are blessed or oh, how happy.
If we are not happy, blessed, content, and going on a straight path in our lives, it is because we are receiving ungodly counsel, on the path of sinners, or we’re sitting in the seat of the scornful.
Then we spoke about a fruitful tree that is planted by the water. Water in that instance represents the Word of God.
Delighting in the Word of God means it brings you enjoyment. We can measure our delight in the Word of God by how much we hunger and thirst for it.
Psalm 1 began with the word blessing, (Oh how happy or content) and ended with the way of the ungodly shall perish.
A "Fork in the road" refers to a time when someone must choose between two options as they make a choice.
We know choices in life have consequences that can have a significant impact on someone’s life.
Believers who are not following the Lord closely or surrendering to the Spirit, are not oh how happy and content.
If you want to be blessed, we are all faced with a fork in the road decision of what to do with Jesus and His free gift of salvation.
Psalm 2 speaks about defiant nations and Messiah’s rule.
There is a present interpretation and a prophetic interpretation of Psalm 2. This Psalm addresses Jesus’ rule and authority now, but it also speaks of the Millennial Kingdom as well.
I. Rebellious nations.
Read Psalm 2:1-3
Remember from last week, Psalm 1 was called the “Preface Psalm”, which gave a snapshot of the entire Book of Psalms.
C.H. Spurgeon said, “Psalm 2 is called the Psalm of Messiah the Prince”, as it describes the people coming against the Lord’s anointed and the ultimate reign of Christ over all the Earth.
Psalm 2 is quoted seventeen times in the New Testament, which stands to reason since this Psalm is about Messiah’s rule.
Here, King David addressed the Nations that are anti-Christ. I wonder how the Lord feels about the governments of the different nations of the world.
When we hear of the decisions of most of the nations of the world, they seem to be fighting against the Lord’s will, as they make decisions that go completely against the Word of God.
King David was baffled at how these nations somehow believed they had any chance of succeeding against the almighty God of heaven as he asked, “Why do the nations rage”.
David had witnessed the mighty hand of God throughout his lifetime and knew that no one could stop the Lord almighty.
Notice David said, “The rulers take counsel together”.
Ever since the fall of man, especially with Nimrod and the Tower of Babel, people have tried to come together against God.
Wiersbe, “From the Tower of Babel to the crucifixion of Christ, to the battle of Armageddon, the Bible records humanity’s foolish and futile rebellions against the will of the Creator.”
No matter the army's size, no one can withstand God or His plans.
After Job had been through a lot of testing and questioned the Lord, God gave Job a serious do-better talk.
Job 42:1 Then Job answered the LORD and said:
Job 42:2 "I know that You can do everything and that no purpose of Yours can be withheld from You. NKJV
Notice, “Against the LORD and against His Anointed.”
Of course, we know that His anointed speaks of Christ, the Messiah, the anointed One. This verse clearly tells us that if you are against Jesus, you are also against God the Father.
Jesus said in John 10:30, I and My Father are one." NKJV