
Summary: This message is a prophecy (Word from the Lord) delivered at our church that explains who we are in the kingdom of God and our responsibilities as its citizens.

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As I was thinking about this message, the Lord laid on my heart a prophetic

word delivered at our church several years ago titled “Kingdom Service

and Promotion.” When I look at the Church as a whole, especially those in

leadership positions, I understand why this prophetic word floated up in my spirit. I

pray that it ministers to you as it has once again ministered to me.

Kingdom Service and Promotion

My potential in Christians is beyond all comprehension. People want a structure

and order when it comes to serving Me. This is a reasonable thing to ask and desire

because there is structure and order in all I do. But the order I establish is based on

spiritual principles, not the things of the world. However, most of My children are

seeking an order which is just natural and makes sense to the mind of the world.

This is why so much of the religious structure developed by man cannot truly

enable or equip you to serve Me.

The structure and order of My calling on your life is based on the way I operate in

the spirit. Spiritual order does not always parallel the order of things you see in the

world. What you are to accomplish for Me is all relative to Kingdom purpose. This

is why you must develop a Kingdom mindset in order to truly do My will.

Man's religion has taken My church and “normalized” it according to the pattern of

worldly things. My church has been turned into a republic, into a democracy. But

the order and structure of My Kingdom is defined by its name: a Kingdom with a

King. In worldly terms, you call this a monarchy, but in reality, it is a Theocracy

wherein your King is the eternal King of the ages

Although you have an eternal will and retain the ability to choose whatever you

desire, in My Kingdom this is not so. In My Kingdom, you do not have the right to

do whatever you choose. You have the will to make such choices, but you do not

have the right. You see, when the King rules, He determines your rights. The

Kingdom cannot succeed if the citizens of the Kingdom demand the rights to

determine order and exercise their will to accomplish that order.

The plans for My Kingdom were in place from before the foundation of the world.

The establishment of My Kingdom became a reality for mankind the moment My

Son completed His work on earth. The principles of success in My Kingdom are in

operation even at this moment. These principles will never change. I love you and

honor what I gave you – the free will to choose your destiny. But operation in My

Kingdom is based solely on what I have established in the spirit.

So many of My children have followed after the pattern of the world. For in the

world people demand their rights, and demand to be treated in a certain way, and

demand the freedom to do as they please. But in My Kingdom, this does not work.

You can demand all you want, but I will not change. You can set up your own

form of churches and say they are based on My Word, but I will not change. You

can establish your own patterns of religion and call them anointed, but I will not

change. You can create your own system of teaching spiritual babies and training

them for services unto Me and call it all the pathway of truth, but I will not change.

I have said in My Word to train up a child in the way he should go and when he is

old, he will not depart from it. Do you think I would have said that if I am not

prepared to do it Myself? Do you think I would have said that and not given to you

the way in which you are to train children?

You are thinking in human terms and about human children. But I am thinking

about spiritual children. It is My responsibility to train up My children, but most of

those who are to instruct My children how to be taught of Me are doing just the

opposite. They are instructing them how to be trained and taught of man.

The Apostles, Prophets, Evangelists, Pastors and Teachers I use to the fullest are

those who have grown and matured in Me. They are continually taught by Me.

They are submitted fully to their King and do not allow man to rule their lives and

callings. For you see, in man's system, you must bow the knee to what he has

created and established.

Those I use to the fullest are those who do not demand their rights but seek only to

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