
Summary: When we ask Jesus to establish His Kingdom on earth as it is in heaven, are we ready for Him to establish it in our lives. Specifically in the area of loving others, are we ready to forgive and love the way Jesus loves us?

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Opening Illustration

(Brett’s story about a gentlemen in MacDonalds)

The way we view situations in life, the way we perceive people/events around us- not always accurate. Certain elements affect our judgment and we do not always accurately perceive reality or we make a hasty judgments about people. i.e. the color of a pill can make us feel like one pill is more potent than another (black or red- strong, white- weak), the color of a uniform can affect how referee views a play. Team dressed in black- appeared more aggressive than- team dressed in white.

Story- Burt Reynolds- before he was famous- was in a bar. A man w/broad shoulders beside him at the bar began shouting obscenities at- couple seated nearby. Reynolds cautioned him to watch his language. The guy w/broad shoulders turned on Reynolds. Reynolds planted his feet- hit him w/strong right to the side of the head. It was only as the guy was flying through the air that he noticed he had no legs. He had taken in certain aspects about the man but totally missed other aspects about the situation, like the man’s legs and his wheel chair sitting in the corner.

(Why We Make Mistakes, Joseph T Hallinan)

Our perspective on life’s situations/in particular, the way we view people, is not always accurate.

Our judgments-often based on incomplete information and affected by subconscious biases that we have.

Samuel sent by God to anoint the next king …

1 Sam 16:7 But the Lord said to Samuel, "Do not look at his appearance or at the height of his stature, because I have rejected him; for God sees not as man sees, for man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart." NASU

Samuel looked at Eliab’s outward appearance- made the judgement- based on his outward stature, that

he had the character to be a king.

Jesus ministered to tax collectors/sinners …

Mtt 9:10-11

When- religious leaders saw Jesus ministering to tax-collectors/sinners-they made-judgment about Him.

Jesus- visiting in the home of a religious leader- a woman- known as a sinner came into Him to anoint Him with this expensive oil.

Lk 7:37-39

They misjudged both Jesus and the woman, and did not see how His love had changed her inwardly.


(Disclaimer- some might think this word is specifically for them because of a recent situation in your life- I can think of several situations where someone might feel like this- but that is not why I am sharing what I am sharing this morning- this is a topic that is bigger than you/your situation and touches all of us- however, if the shoe fits, wear it.)

Next week Pastor Mario from Guatemala will be visiting with us- he will speak Sunday.

God has opened doors for us to network with other people/ministries, locally/overseas,for the purpose of building God’s Kingdom.

Church, we are to be about Kingdom business.

We are learning to work w/people from different cultural backgrounds/personalities/passions.

That may mean working w/people that we consider to be weird/strange or at least different than we are.

We pray the Lord’s prayer, do we believe it …

Mtt 6:9-10 NASU

9 … ’Our Father who is in heaven,

Hallowed be Your name.

10 ’Your kingdom come.

Your will be done, On earth as it is in heaven.

Are we ready for Kingdom principles to be established on earth or in our own lives.

In the broader sense are we ready for the Lord to return- 2nd coming of the Lord/day of judgment.

In the immediate sense are we ready for the Lord to change/form/shape us into a vessel

He can use NOW to build- His Kingdom here.

Are we ready for God’s Kingdom?

Pool of Bethesda …

Jn 5:2-9

Jesus walked into this area of sick people and healed only one man- why?

In other scriptures it says that Jesus healed all those who came to Him- why here only one man?

Perhaps only one man was ready to receive the work of the Kingdom of God in his life then- his NOW.

Are we ready for the Kingdom of God to come?

Do we know what it is going to cost us?

City of Nain …

Lk 7:11-16

Mother/others- leaving the city to bury her son.

They had one purpose in mind- Jesus had another.

They were going to bury a man- given up- it was over- he was dead …

but Jesus- came for- entirely different reason.

He was came to bring …

a new beginning, resurrected life.

They were not ready for the Kingdom of God.

Church, are we/you ready for the Kingdom of God.

A New Commandment

Lets test our readiness with the words of Jesus, this is a Kingdom principle …

Jn 13:34 "A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another, even as I have loved you, that you also love one another. NASU

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