
Kingdom Living

PRO Sermon
Created by Sermon Research Assistant on Feb 28, 2024
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Encourages prioritizing the pursuit of God's kingdom and righteousness, and resting in the promises fulfilled through this spiritual endeavor.


Good morning, dear church family. How wonderful it is to gather here in the house of the Lord, united in faith and purpose, ready to engage with God’s word.

Today, we find ourselves drawn to a passage in Matthew 6:33. It's a verse that many of us have heard countless times, a verse that has been etched into our hearts and minds. Yet, it's a verse that always has more to reveal to us, more to teach us, more to challenge us. It reads,

"But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well."

In this single, power-packed verse, Jesus lays out a blueprint for our lives. He is calling us to prioritize the pursuit of God's kingdom, to perceive righteousness in the kingdom context, and to rest in the promises fulfilled in seeking first the kingdom.

I’m reminded of a quote by D.A. Carson who once said, "The kingdom of heaven is worth infinitely more than the cost of discipleship, and those who know where the treasure lies joyfully abandon everything else to secure it."

Carson’s words resonate with the truth of our passage today. We are called to seek God's kingdom with an intensity that surpasses all else, with a fervor that takes precedence over every other pursuit.

As we open our hearts to the message of Matthew 6:33, let us also open our hearts in prayer.

Dear Heavenly Father, we gather here today, not by coincidence, but by Your divine appointment. We are here to seek You first, to align our hearts with Your kingdom, and to strive for Your righteousness. As we delve into Your word, may it be a lamp unto our feet and a light unto our path. May it guide us, challenge us, and transform us. We ask this in the precious name of Jesus, our Savior, and our King. Amen.

So, dear friends, are we ready to prioritize the pursuit of His kingdom? Are we ready to perceive righteousness in the kingdom context? Are we ready to rest in the promises fulfilled in seeking first the kingdom? Let’s find out together. Let’s find out what it means to truly seek first His kingdom and His righteousness.

Prioritizing the Pursuit of God's Kingdom

When we think about our lives, we often consider our goals, ambitions, and dreams. We make plans, set targets, and work hard to achieve them. But the words of Jesus in Matthew 6:33 invite us to a different kind of life, a life where our primary goal, our ultimate ambition, our greatest dream is to seek God's kingdom.

What does it mean to seek God's kingdom?: It means to make God's rule and reign our highest priority. It means to desire above all else to see God's will done on earth as it is in heaven. It means to live in such a way that our thoughts, words, and actions reflect the values and principles of God's kingdom.

This is not an easy task: It requires a radical reorientation of our lives. It requires us to set aside our own desires and ambitions and to embrace God's desires and ambitions for us. It requires us to surrender our will to God's will, to submit our plans to God's plans.

But this is not a burden: It is a joy and a privilege. For in seeking God's kingdom, we find true fulfillment and satisfaction. We discover the purpose for which we were created. We experience the peace and joy that come from living in harmony with God's will.

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A commitment to God's rule: This means recognizing that God is the rightful ruler of our lives. It means acknowledging that God has the right to direct our lives according to His will. It means submitting to God's authority and obeying His commands. This is not a passive submission. It is an active obedience. It involves not only avoiding what is wrong but also doing what is right. It involves not only refraining from evil but also pursuing good. It involves not only resisting temptation but also cultivating virtue.

A desire for God's reign: This means longing for the day when God's rule will be fully realized on earth as it is in heaven. It means yearning for the day when justice will prevail, when peace will reign, when love will rule. This is not a vague hope. It is a concrete expectation. It involves not only praying for God's kingdom to come but also working for it to come. It involves not only longing for God's reign but also laboring for it.

A reflection of God's values: This means living in such a way that our lives reflect the values of God's kingdom. It means embodying the love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control that are the fruit of the Spirit. This is not a superficial imitation. It is a deep transformation. It involves not only conforming our behavior to God's standards but also conforming our hearts to God's heart. It involves not only acting like Jesus but also becoming like Jesus.

A participation in God's mission: This means joining God in His work of bringing His kingdom to earth. It means sharing the good news of God's love and forgiveness with others. It means serving others in the name of Jesus. This is not a solitary endeavor. It is a communal effort. It involves not only individual actions but also collective actions. It involves not only personal witness but also corporate witness. It involves not only private service but also public service.

Common thread: Seeking God's kingdom involves a radical reorientation of our lives. It involves a shift from self-centeredness to God-centeredness, from self-interest to God-interest, from self-will to God's will. It involves a transformation from living for ourselves to living for God.

Perceiving Righteousness in the Kingdom Context

In the light of prioritizing the pursuit of God's kingdom, we find ourselves standing at the threshold of another significant aspect of our spiritual journey ... View this full PRO sermon free with PRO

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