King Solomon Series
Contributed by Samuel M on Jul 7, 2023 (message contributor)
Summary: King Solomon with the wisdom of God yielded or controlled God’s tremendous power and authority. What Solomon accomplished in the growth of his kingdom with the wisdom of God is far greater than King David.
King Solomon with the wisdom of God yielded or controlled God’s tremendous power and authority. What Solomon accomplished in the growth of his kingdom with the wisdom of God is far greater than King David. Solomon conquered or controlled many other kingdoms without fighting any battles. David was a warrior, but Solomon was a wise man. David was a man of war, but Solomon was a man of wisdom. The kingdom experienced battles during David’s reign, but there was peace when Solomon reigned. The blessing of having rulers who rule with God’s wisdom is that there is always peace.
King Solomon expanded his kingdom through God’s wisdom without fighting any battles. The achievements of King Solomon surpassed David’s battles victories. David was always at war with the Philistines, as well as within his own kingdom. However, King Solomon was never confronted with such difficulties or turmoil, and the people lived in perfect peace. The wisdom of God has the potential to harness God’s great and vast power. King Solomon drew provisions from the storehouses of God with the wisdom of God, such as divine wisdom, health, knowledge, provisions, guidance, advice, and so on. King Solomon’s wisdom, bestowed by God, astounded or stunned everyone in his kingdom and neighboring countries.
With God’s wisdom, he expanded his kingdom to the point where he reigned over all the kings from the river to the country of the Philistines, all the way to Egypt’s border. He established trade routes, built military colonies, and instituted agricultural reforms. King Solomon was deemed wiser than all the sages of Egypt and the Middle East—even wiser than some ancient paragons of wisdom. Precious metals such as gold and silver were plentiful. He made silver as common in Jerusalem as stones. King Solomon formed alliances with a number of foreign Kingdoms. The Bible says that Solomon consolidated his position by liquidating his opponents ruthlessly as soon as he acceded to the throne. Once rid of his foes, he established his friends in the key posts of the military, governmental, and religious institutions. With God’s Wisdom, he kept and maintained his empire, alliances, people, wives, and concubines. The Kingdom was held firm in his control.
King Solomon surpassed all the kings of the earth in riches and wisdom. And all the kings of the earth sought the presence of Solomon to hear his wisdom, which God had put in his heart.
He spoke three thousand proverbs, and his songs were one thousand and five. 33 Also he spoke of trees, from the cedar tree of Lebanon even to the hyssop that springs out of the wall; he spoke also of animals, of birds, of creeping things, and of fish. 34 And men of all nations, from all the kings of the earth who had heard of his wisdom, came to hear the wisdom of Solomon. 1 Kings 4:32-33
Solomon brought the wisdom of heaven to earth. For example, 1 acre of land would yield 1 tonne of crop without Solomon’s wisdom, but 10 tonnes with Solomon’s wisdom. The queen of Sheba marveled at Solomon’s wisdom. People were astounded by the wisdom exhibited in all aspects of his life, including justice, governance, reforms, etc. David had enemies in his close circle, but Solomon surrounded himself with the right people. David was unable to execute Joab, but Solomon did so at an appropriate time. Solomon had a God given ability to do the right thing at the right time. He was on God’s time on every aspect of life. Wisdom of God makes you align to God’s timings.
Because of God’s wisdom, Solomon’s kingdom was at peace. He made the right decisions, formed the right alliances, and displayed the right justice in order to expand His Kingdom. The only thing that God gave Solomon was the wisdom of God. But he used God’s wisdom to harness God’s vast power to develop and expand his kingdom into greatness. He ruled his kingdom while safeguarding his people and families. Despite his busy schedule, Solomon found time to write three thousand proverbs, compose one thousand and five songs, and speak of creational wisdom by describing birds, animals, trees, and fish. When we do our daily activities including work with the wisdom of God, we can buy back time. When we live our lives with wisdom of God, we buy back many years of our life.
Despite our busy schedules, when we do our work with God’s wisdom, there will always be free or spare time to handle new challenges. We can buy back time with the Wisdom of God.
Wisdom of God creates an avenue to continuously draw from heaven for the benefit of humanity. If Solomon son’s carried the great legacy of his father, his kingdom would be expanded to the far corners of earth.