
Summary: This is a sermon on the keys to successful evangelism based on the truths drawn from the parable of the Good Samaritan












1) VISION: The Good Samaritan ’SAW’ the wounded man lying by the wayside.

Luke 10:33 John 4:35

Vision is very important to Evangelism. Jesus said ’ lift up your eyes and see that the fields are ripe for the harvest’. The people of God must have a vision for the lost. They must look beyond their private world and see the reality of a dying world and a lost humanity without Christ.They must look beyond the outward appearances of people and see the true condition of people suffering without peace and satisfaction.The Good Samaritan saw the dying man on the wayside.He was not preoccupied with his own journey but could see the suffering of a fellow traveller on the wayside.

2)COMPASSION: The Good Samaritan had COMPASSION on the wounded man.

Luke 10:33 Mark 6:34 I John 3:17

Compassion is very important to Evangelism. Jesus was moved with compassion for the multitude because they were like sheep without a shepherd. The people of God must have a compassion and burden for the lost.The dying world must see true love and concern exhibited by the people of God. People will be more receptive to the Gospel when they see real compassion shown towards them by beleivers.The Good Samaritan had compassion on the wounded man.The priest and the levite did not have compassion even though they saw the wounded man.

3)ASSOCIATION: The Good Samaritan went near the wounded man

Luke 10:34 Matthew 11:19

Association is very important to Evangelism. Jesus was called a friend of sinners and publicans because he associated with them.The people of God must develop association with unbeleivers to win them to Christ. More people are won to Christ by developing a personal friendship with unbeleivers than by any other method of evangelism. A self righteous attitude which refuses to be friendly with unbeleivers will only alienate them and drive them away from Christ. The Good Samaritan went near the wounded man and associated himself with him and helped him.

4)UNCTION: The Good Samaritan used oil which is a symbol of the Holy Spirit

Luke 10:34 Psalm 23:5 I Corinthians 12:3 Acts 1:8 Acts 10:38

Unction of the Holy Spirit is very important to Evangelism.Jesus said ’You will receive power after the Holy Spirit comes upon you and you will be my witnesses ’. The people of God must evangelise with the unction of the Holy Spirit. All the words of condemnation of the sinners will not be effective without the convicting power of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit will cause people to acknowledge Jesus as Lord. The Good Samaritan used oil to heal the wounds of the dying man.

5)PURIFICATION : The Good Samaritan used wine which is a symbol of the blood of Jesus

Luke 10:34 Matthew 26:27-29 I John 1:7

Purification by the blood of Jesus is very important to Evangelism.The blood of Jesus cleanses from all sin. The People of God must use the purifying power of the blood of Jesus to help people to get deliverance from the bondages of sin.No amount of phsycology or secular counselling can remove guilt from the human heart . Only the blood of Jesus can cleanse and forgive the sins of mankind and give true peace and joy to the sinner. The Good Samaritan used wine to treat the wounds of the dying man.

6).CONTINUATION : The Good Samaritan took the wounded man to an Inn for further care

Luke 10:34 Acts 2:42 Acts 11:22-24

Continuation and follow up of the initial effort is very important to Evangelism. Jesus established His church as soon as people repented of their sins on the day of Pentecost. The newly won beleivers were not left alone but were made part of the fellowship of the saints to continue their walk in their faith in Christ.The people of God must establish the new beleivers in the fellowship of the church where they can continue to grow in their spiritual life.The Good Samaritan took the wounded man to the Inn where he could receive further care and recover completely from his wounds.

7)PROVISION : The Good Samaritan paid for the expenses for the further care of the wounded man.

Luke 10:35 Acts 11:28-30 Luke 8:3

Provision of funds is very important to Evangelism. Jesus was supported financially by several women which helped Him to meet the expenses involved in fulfilling His ministry.The People of God must support generously the ministry of Evangelism and the church.The Gospel is free but evangelism costs a lot of money and resources.The people of God must donate liberally for the spread of the Gospel throughout the world andfor the ministry of the church to take care of the beleivers . Lack of resources can be a severe handicap for the minstry of Evangelism if people prefer to spend their wealth and resources for their personal enjoyment and refuse to share sacrificially for the cause of Evangelism and the church which provides a shelter for the care and growth of new beleivers. The Good Samaritan paid for the expenses involved in providing care to the wounded man.


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