
Summary: Make Jesus known where he is needed. Be his heralds and his ambassadors.

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Opening illustration: Our country is in desperate need of a spiritual awakening, but we have a problem. When we consider that the last true, widespread, landscape changing spiritual awakening in this country was in the middle of the 19th century, it is safe to say that no one “alive today” has firsthand knowledge of what it's like, how it feels, or even how it begins.

My observation is that this culture is more dangerous than almost any previous culture, but it's not because of the crime rate, the immorality, or even the growing drug culture. This is because, as a culture who exists absent a true spiritual model of life, we have chosen to follow human standards rather than what divine scriptures tell us.

We have become people who believe if we 'follow our hearts, minds, and wills' to determine what is right or wrong we will be okay. I call this “stinkin' thinkin'” because human thinking continually changes, so standards change.

Because we have engaged in this type of thinking, the standards of our culture have now digressed to the point of what used to be considered unmentionable is now the norm. The tragic results are that we fail to see ourselves as God sees us. We have set aside these few for a time of “spiritual renewal.”

I want you to give some thought to this term, “Spiritual Renewal.” In your mind what does this look like, feel like, and even 'how does it start?” Just as an aside, a true spiritual awakening does not happen for people who do not really, truly, and genuinely, desire it. Candidly, renewal involves change and most people don't care to change and sadly, they don't think they need to. We need a renewal, but what are the keys to open this door for the blessings of God to pour out.

As we consider keys to spiritual renewal we can learn much from the church at Laodicea. There are so many similarities between this church and today's church that an argument can be made that we are living in the “Lao ...

Let us turn in our Bibles to Revelation 3:14-22.

Introduction: In nature, if water is hot, it has useful purposes. It can heal, and it can regenerate the body. If it is cold, it is refreshing. It soothes, and it can help quench a thirst. But if it lukewarm, water can get stagnant. Stagnant water collects bacteria and serves no purpose.


It means “lacking conviction or enthusiasm”, or a form of indifference. Biologically, lukewarm means mildly warm and tepid. Being lukewarm is playing the middle ground. A cold drink of water can be refreshing. A hot tub of water can be soothing. But lukewarm serves no purpose.

First off, we need to understand that Laodicea sat between two other cities: Hieropolis and Colosse. It was sandwiched between these two cities. The church of Laodicea received a letter from Paul earlier in its days. We know this because he told the church at Colosse to exchange letters with the church of Laodicea.

Being a city between these two other towns, it had to share the water resources. Hieropolis (known today as Pamukkale) was known for its hot springs. People came from all around to visit the hot springs, mostly for its medical value. In Colosse, those same springs turned into cold streams of water. But in Laodicea, the water had to be diverted and used.

How can you overcome stagnation and be personally renewed?

1. See the truth about yourself. (3:14-16)

Jesus says that He wants you to see the truth about yourselves. But in order to do that, we have to first see the truth about Jesus. Jesus says three things about Himself in these verses. Each of these things show us how Jesus is able to help me see the truth about myself.

“The Amen”

He is worthy of my time. He’s the amen. He is the last word. He’s everything. Jesus is the Amen to all the promises of God. He is the end result of history. Therefore, Jesus is worthy of my time.

“the faithful and true Witness”

He is worthy of my trust. Why? Because Jesus is faithful. He is true.

There are many people who will talk to you who are not faithful. There are many ideas about life that you can get, which are not true. The only one you can count on every time is Jesus Christ. He loves you more than anything or anybody, He even loves you more than yourself. He has a better plan for your life than you could ever dream up. He is faithful and true. He is worthy of my trust.

“the Originator of God’s creation”

He is worthy of my worship. Why? Because He made everything. He is the Creator, and I am the creature. Therefore, He is worthy of my praise and worship.

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