Keep Watching And Remain Faithful
Contributed by Kevin L. Jones on Apr 2, 2023 (message contributor)
Summary: A sermon examining the importance of Christ's followers being alert, vigilant and faithful.
Mark 14:27-42
Some people are natural early risers. They are up before the sun and ready to start their day. Somehow they do this without the assistance of an alarm clock. Not all of us are so fortunate! Because of my job, I have no choice but to be an early riser. As a result I set 6 alarms on my phone each night.
The purpose of an alarm is for us to get up and get busy. As we look at the condition of the world around is, it is apparent that it is time for God’s people to get up and get busy. Tragically there are many Christians who are sound asleep. While they are sleeping, there is an enemy that is viciously attacking the church.
The passage that we will consider today shows us that the Lord’s most faithful Disciples went to sleep at a time when it was exceedingly important for them to be awake and alert. Jesus had faced troubles and persecution many times in the past. Throughout His life and ministry, He had dealt with opposition from the Pharisees and the Sadducees and other adversaries. But this night would be the toughest of His life.
Earlier that evening, Jesus and His disciples had celebrated the Passover. After this, they left the upper room and set out for Jerusalem. As they traveled through the Kidron Valley towards the Garden of Gethsemane Jesus taught them about Heaven, the Peace of God, surrendering to the Lord, and the coming of the Holy Spirit. As they approached Gethsemane, Jesus took "Peter and James and John" with Him and the scripture says that He "began to be very distressed and troubled"
- In verse 38 Jesus commanded these men to “keep watching and praying”. I believe that He would have us to do the same today. I would like for us to journey to Gethsemane and consider that very thought “Keep Watching And Remain Faithful”
Jesus informed His men that a time of intense trouble was approaching and as a result they would be scattered and abandon Him. (v27 And Jesus said to them, “You will all fall away, because it is written, ‘I will strike down the shepherd, and the sheep shall be scattered.’28 But after I have been raised, I will go ahead of you to Galilee.”)
We cannot fathom all of the amazing things that the Lord’s Disciples had experienced in the previous three years. They had seen the miracles, they had heard the messages and they were a vital part of the ministry. Peter, James and John had been present for some events that the others were not allowed to witness. They were allowed into the room when Jesus raised Jairus’ daughter from the dead. These were the men who had been privileged to be with Jesus on the mountain at His Transfiguration. Now they have been chosen to come with Him as He prays in Gethsemane. Once there, Jesus tells them that they will soon face trouble like they had never seen before. In fact, the events that were on the horizon would be so intense that they would “fall away” and “be scattered”.
Upon hearing this warning, the Disciples immediately professed their undying love and devotion to their Master. Peter declares that even if everyone else is “falls away” he would not. Jesus goes on to reveal to Peter that he would "deny Him three times before a roster crows twice”. Peter refused to believe the words of Jesus and went on to profess that he would die before he denied Jesus. It was not just Peter; upon hearing this “they were all saying the same thing also”. I believe each of those men genuinely meant what they said when they said it; however when the enemies of Christ arrived to seize Him, “they all left Him and fled”.
When Jesus and the Disciples arrive in Gethsemane He gives them some simple but important instructions. (v32 Then they came to a place named Gethsemane; and He said to His disciples, “Sit here until I have prayed.”33 And He took with Him Peter and James and John, and began to be very distressed and troubled. 34 And He said to them, “My soul is deeply grieved to the point of death; remain here and keep watch.”)
Notice that Jesus says "remain here and keep watch”. On the surface this may sound like an easy assignment, but before we condemn Peter, James and John it is important to remember where they were and what has already happened on this very night. Not only has Jesus reiterated the fact that He is about to suffer and die, He went on to inform them that they would “fall away” and be “scattered”. This is after they have learned that one of them would soon “betray Him”. And then Peter has just been told that he would deny Jesus three times before the sun comes up. Obviously all of these things were weighing heavy on their minds. These men were exhausted mentally, physically and emotionally. As a result, instead of keeping watch, they went to sleep. While they are sleeping, Jesus begins to endure more anguish and agony than our minds are able to comprehend. His soul was “deeply grieved to the point of death”.