
Summary: A lesson having faith to continue.

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FAITH to run

1 Corinthians 9:24-25

Let us pray -- Lord, the task of preaching your Gospel is once again in my keeping and I commit myself to do it the best that I can. Clear my mind of distractions, warm my heart with compassion, and fill my soul with faith in your goodness and power. Speak to me that I may speak for you. Speak through me that I may speak to those who wait to hear your word. Save me, Lord from fearing so much my own frailty that I forget your mighty power. Help me to trust in your care and providence. Let me speak the words, which I believe that you have given me. May I decrease while you increase in Me? Right now Lord I ask that you remove self, I ask that you remove pride and may the words of my mouth and the mediation of my heart be acceptable in thy sight. O Lord my strength and my redeemer. This is my prayer, Amen.

Its Good to be here this morning….ain’t God good? Now I know Holt Street…..can do better than that…we should be excited when we come into his house…are we here to praise the same God? Hasn’t he done for you this past week…didn’t he do it. I’m excited about the God…the same God that kept you this week from harm…didn’t he dot it….the same god that woke you this morning….placed shoes on your feet… on your body….food on your tables….shelter over your head….your house could have burnt down thus week… could have been hit by a car….you could have gotten sick but God…God is good….All the time.

The title of today’s sermon is FAITH IN NIKE….FAITH IN NIKE. And our tesx is found in 1st Corinthians, the 9th Chapter…beginning with the 24th through the 27th verse. As you find your spot let me tell you that our text comes from two stages in the bible. The Epistle Stage A.D. 45 to A.D. 100. These thrilling fifty-five years were literally packed with golden gems from God himself. They would take the form of twenty-two letters, commonly known as New Testament epistles. James, Jude, John, Peter, and Paul were thus chosen by God to complete his marvelous manuscript, the Bible, which had begun nearly fifteen centuries prior on the Moabite desert. There are also some references which place some of our text in the Earch Curch Stage…This stage covers a period of approximately thirty-eight years, from the miracle of Pentecost to the martyrdom of Paul.

OK I can hear you saying….alright young preacher why is this entitled FAITH IN NIKE, right? Most everyone is familiar with Nike and Michael Jordan. So you probably think I am referring to a brand of athletic wear or shoes, don’t you? But that’s not exactly it….have you ever noticed a young child…..or even a grown person……will believe that they perform better with a certain type of brand name shoe on their feet. My youngest son Kaylun…calls these shoes…my run so fast shoes. But FAITH IN NIKE…isn’t about shoes……its about victory for you in 2002. The victory that we can put on like my son does with his run-so-fast shoes.

With this being the first Sunday….of the New Year…I am sure that we have some people still formulating New Year’s resolutions. New Year’s resolutions tend to be a struggle for some people to keep. They are about like running a marathon when you have never run a mile in your entire life. Suppose that our resolutions to change something – whether they are to quit an addiction of some sort, or to try to become more faithful to the Lord – are like running a race. What if we were wearing NIKE gear while trying to keep our resolutions? Do you think we would succeed?

My bible tells me 1 John 5:4. It says, “For whatever is born of God overcomes the world. And this is the victory that has overcome the world—our faith.” If we truly have faith in Jesus Christ, then we will have victory.

Look once again at 1 John 5:4 and answer this question: What does our faith give us in overcoming the world? The answer is “victory.” The Greek word for victory in this verse is Nike, pronounced (nee kay). Our faith is NIKE! It is victory for us! Or as our title says…Nike Just Do it.

I want this to be one of your catch phrases that gives you power in the face of struggle. I want you to see it evrywhere…

Let me ask you a question……a question about the coming year. How does it look to you now? As we look forward to the prospects of this year, what do we see?

Do we see doom & gloom? Some of the prophets of doom tell us that 2002 will see a recession, with interest rates rising. They say that it is going to be a bad year economically.

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