
Summary: Do not make hard what God made simple and sincere!

2 Corinthians 11:3 But I fear, lest by any means, as the serpent beguiled Eve through his subtilty, so your minds should be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ.

While the Greek word haplotes can be translated a few ways, I think it is perfect to be simplicity in this verse. Christ came and took away the complex system of over 600 laws that could not save us. He brought us the simple Gospel that was single in Him. Singleness and sincerity are also translations of haplotes. The Gospel requires the single desire of God from the beginning, faith or trust. It is without flaw requiring nothing from us to fill in like wax in a cracked vase thus sincere. We cannot add or take away from it. It is all about Him.

Unfortunately, over the centuries many rituals, rites, and man's additions have complicated the simple Gospel. Some have tried to put the old wine of the Law into the new wine skin of Grace leaving people broken under the burden Christ came to take off and put on His light yoke. Many have created a weak Jesus that requires us to add to His work because they feel His blood was not enough to earn our salvation.

It does not take much to go astray from God's simplicity. Eve added touch to what God said and it was enough for the devil to deceive her. Many have added much more than that to their peril while others have taken from what He said also to their peril.

Paul fought those who wanted to mix Law and Grace in all of his epistles. He had to deal with many false philosophies and polytheism, but his more consistent battles were with those who kept denying the simplicity. He did not have kind words for them. Indeed, he called them dogs and wished radical circumcision upon them. He fought them off but I see we have let the dogs in rather than letting them out over the centuries. Dogs are descended from wolves and there are large packs of wolves in sheep's clothing roaming the world.

We need more than just a Reformation II. We need a transformation back into simplicity. That will require a pandemic restoration of Holy Ghost power like the Book of Acts. Heresy and false prophets will be called out instead of tolerated. Real unity will come about by speaking truth in love not an unity based on a false love not grounded in truth. A real love for each other will also cause a love for the lost making evangelism paramount in the life of every believer. We will hunger for the Word and souls while coming out of the world to win them, not being like them.

Dear Jesus, makes us simple again. Bring clarity to Your Body. Amen! Maranatha!

Aug 8, 1997 K. I. S. S. Theology

You know you’ve got to keep it simple, Saint.

Don’t try and make it what it ain’t.

God said to accept Him like a child

And not let your doctrines run hog wild.

Just preach Jesus, for us crucified

And that will keep folks from being fried.

Rejoice in that fact that He has risen

And forget about this and that ism.

God won’t care where you got your degree.

He’ll only ask, “What did you do with Me?”

Cling to him and not your denomination

If you want to escape eternal damnation.

Some will argue loud until they faint,

But you’ve got to keep it simple, Saint.

Your theology may be grand and swell,

But lots of theologians end up in Hell.

So go on, get up, get out, and go

To tell the ones who do not know.

Remember, lest you be nuts or quaint,

You have got to keep it simple, Saint!

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