Just The Beginning
Contributed by Gaither Bailey on Nov 13, 2021 (message contributor)
Summary: We are one day closer today to the return of Christ Jesus than we were yesterday.
Just The Beginning – Mark 13: 1 - 8
Intro: I read a story recently about a young lady who had been invited on a blind date to an exclusive restaurant where there would be live music and dancing. She went to her beautician to have her hair done, did her makeup, put on her best dress and was all ready for her date to arrive. After waiting for an hour, she decided she had been stood up. She took of her dress, let down her hair, put on her pajamas, took a pint of ice cream from the freezer and sat down to watch a movie on TV. After another hour, there was a knock at the door. It was her date. He looked at her with a surprised expression and said, “I gave you an extra two hours and you’re still not ready!”
That story made me think of a song by Barbara Mason that she recorded in 1965, the year I graduated from high school. “Yes, I'm Ready" which has been a hit recording for numerous artists,
I In recent months many have been concerned that we are living in the end of time, the apocalypse, when Christ Jesus will return.
A Those who focus on the eschaton, apocalypse, or the end of time concentrate on the words of Jesus in this passage. VSS 7 – 8 “When you hear of wars and rumors of ward, do not be alarmed. Such things must happen, but the end is still to come. Nation will rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom. There will be earthquakes in various places, and famines. These are the beginning of birth pains.”
B We see natural disaster after natural disaster, war after war, famine and disease and it is quite natural to be concerned about what is taking place in our world.
C These signs may be the beginning of the end. We have no way of knowing. We can become so focused on discerning the signs of the times that we neglect our most important mission of witnessing to the gospel of Christ Jesus.
II Looking back at the beginning of this passage you will notice that the disciples are really impressed by what they are seeing in Jerusalem. Jesus is obviously not impressed.
A VS. 2 – “Do you see all these great buildings?” replied Jesus. “Not one stone here will be left on another; every one will be thrown down.”
B A Jewish historian from the time of Jesus tells us that the Temple was a Wonder of the World. Some of its stones were 40 feet long and 12 feet high. The front of the temple was covered in plates of pure gold.
C Approximately 40 years after the time of Jesus in 70CE, the temple was destroyed by the Romans. There is but one unadorned wall left today. It is called “The Wailing Wall”. The people were not ready. Our focus must not be on the signs themselves, but rather on the one who is to come.
III Jesus predicts false teachers, wars and rumors of wars. He predicts natural catastrophes, human made disasters, and the negative social consequences that accompany them. This passage speaks of the unavoidable coming of a new age of painful change.
A The prophecies of Jesus are enough to strike fear into the heart of every human being. Today, I ask, “What do you fear?” Do you fear your death or that of another person? Do you fear a political crisis, a world of disasters, or some other unforeseen catastrophe?
B Buried in VS. 7 of this passage is a short phrase I want to call to your attention. It is this: “do not be alarmed.” The GK word here is ????? / throeo and has several translations: to wail / to clamor / to be frightened / to be troubled.
C Many people build their lives around false promises. They believe if they have a new car, a bigger house, a thinner body, a younger face, or a better job life will be better. --- Jesus tells us in this passage to not believe the lies!
Concl: Everything we prize and build our lives upon can be “thrown down” by life circumstances. What seems like the end is just the beginning. This passage speaks of the unavoidable coming of a new age of painful change and how we as believers in the teachings of Jesus must live.
Ask yourself – “If I only had one more day to live, what would I do?” We need not live in uncertainty because no matter what happens, no matter when it happens, we are loved beyond measure. Jesus tells us the end is just the beginning of what God has planned. So, as the world seems to descend into chaos, with evil, greed and meanness around us, as Christians we must act in love and forgiveness while standing up for what is good and right remembering that we are in the palm of God’s hand.