
Summary: A Father’s Day sermon asking the question, "Do you want your children to be just like you?".

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2 TIMOTHY 3:14-17


1. The special music this morning poses an extremely

important warning for us not only as fathers but for

mothers, grandparents, etc.

a. I want only best for my children.

b. I believe all you fathers feel the same way about

your children.

c. I work hard to provide for my family and so do you.

d. But this warning should always be on your mind.

2. My children watch me, observe me, listen to me, and copy

many of these things; and so does yours.

a. Let me ask you a couple of questions in order to

get you thinking and evaluating your own life


b. Can the children see your Heavenly Father in you? c. Do you want your children to be just like you? d. Do you want to be just like your Heavenly


e. Whether you like it or not, they are watching, and it

is important, if you want the best for your children,

that they see only the best.

3. Sounds easy right?

4. Let me give you the perfect guidelines this morning to

ensuring that your children will be led on the proper

path: Let’s read our text.

I. Continue What You Learned (vs.14)

A. Timothy was taught Scripture.

1. "Continue" here means to remain.

2. Paul was telling Timothy to remain in the Scriptures.

B. When your children see your Bible, what do they think?

1. Is it something they know you read?

a. Do they think you strive to live by it?

b. Is it your guide?

2. Do you remain in the Word so that your children,

when they grow older, have assurance in God’s Word and have assurance that God’s Word is the only way because you lived it?

a. The result of Scripture has a life long and

eternal effect.

b. Remember John 1:1.

"IN the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with

God, and the Word was God."

II. Core Of What You Learned (vs.15)

A. Scripture leads to salvation.

1. Do you want to see your children and grandchildren


2. If you do, realize the answers are here.

B. The most precious gift you can ever share with your

children is the eternal salvation that only comes from

Jesus Christ.

1. They need to know that God loves them so much

that He died for them and through Him and only

Him can they be saved.

2. Do you share with your children this core truth or

are you waiting until they get old enough that they

don’t listen to you anyhow.

a. Remember the reading this morning?

b. There is a lot of truth to this.

III. Character Of What You Learned (vs.16)

All Scripture is given to us by God.

We have Scripture for a purpose.

Everything in God’s Word is true.

Believe it all or don’t believe any of it.

So what is the character of Scripture, what is its practical

uses for you as you raise your children?

A. For Doctrine

1. "For doctrine" means to tell one what to believe.

2. Who tells your children what to believe?

a. Let me promise you, the world is trying to tell

your children what to believe.

b. What is the guidelines your children have to


B. For Reproof

1. "For reproof" means to tell one what is wrong.

2. Who teaches your children right from wrong?

a. How do they know?

b. Is it from T.V., music, the kids at school?

C. For Correction

1. "For correction" means to tell one how to correct


2. How do you correct your children, or do you?

a. Scripture tells you how.

Proverbs 13:24 says, "He that spareth his rod hateth his

son: but he that loveth him chasteneth him betimes (promptly)."

b. You know what? The world disagrees.

c. Which are you following?

3. Scripture tells us, if you love them, you will correct


D. For Instruction

1. "For instruction in righteousness" means to tell one

how to live.

2. What do you use to teach your children how to live?

IV. Conclusion Of What You Learned (vs.17)

A. God’s Word equips and provides you with everything you

will need in life.

B. You still want the best for your children, right?

1. You must teach the children God’s Word so that they

will be fully equipped for life.

2. If you want to provide for your family, make sure

you provide them with God’s Word, not just in

reading but by living it.

V. Communication Of What You Learned (4:1-4)

A. We must share God’s Word with our children.

1. Verse 2 tells us to not give up.

2. Keep teaching them and be a godly example.

B. Verse 3 and 4 tells us that if we don’t teach them, they

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