
Summary: Have you ever desired for God to work through you, yet felt you were simply too "ordinary"? Dr. Vorce delves into the lives of many who appeared ordinary but were chosen by God. He inspires us, highlighting how God frequently empowers ordinary individuals to achieve extraordinary feats.

Judges 13:24-25 (NIV):

"The woman gave birth to a boy and named him Samson. He grew and the Lord blessed him, and the Spirit of the Lord began to stir him while he was in Mahaneh Dan, between Zorah and Eshtaol."


Have you ever felt like just an ordinary person, perhaps questioning what you could possibly contribute to the world? Maybe you've looked at your own life and seen nothing but routine and simplicity, wondering if there's more to your story. Today, we're diving into a powerful truth:

"God often uses ordinary people to do the extraordinary things."

This sermon, titled "Just an Ordinary Man," will explore how God uses everyday people, just like you and me, to accomplish incredible things through the empowerment of the Holy Spirit.

Let's begin by considering the biblical context of this theme. Throughout scripture, we encounter individuals who, by human standards, might seem unremarkable. Yet, when the Spirit of the Lord comes upon them, they are transformed into mighty instruments of God’s purpose. Think of Samson, whose story we'll delve into, a man of ordinary birth and human flaws, yet chosen to deliver Israel through acts of immense strength. It's not just Samson, though. We'll also look at Gideon, a hesitant and fearful man who becomes a courageous leader, and Saul, who rises from his humble beginnings to lead a nation, all through the power of the Spirit.

The transformative power of the Spirit is a central theme in these stories. It underscores a profound truth:

"No matter how ordinary we may feel, God's Spirit can elevate us to achieve extraordinary things."

As we explore these biblical examples, I invite you to open your hearts to the possibility that God might be calling you to a purpose that exceeds your own understanding.

As we embark on this journey together, I encourage you to reflect on your own life and potential. Ask yourself: How might God be preparing you, an ordinary person, to play an extraordinary role in His divine plan?

Point 1: Samson - Strength in Weakness

Scripture Reference: Judges 13-16

• Discuss Samson's humble beginnings as an ordinary man with human flaws.

• Highlight Judges 14:6 and Judges 15:14, where "the Spirit of the Lord came powerfully upon him," enabling him to perform feats of strength and deliver Israel from its enemies.

• Emphasize how, despite his weaknesses, Samson was empowered by God's Spirit to achieve the extraordinary.

Point 2: Gideon - Courage in Fear

Scripture Reference: Judges 6-7

• Introduce Gideon, initially hesitant and doubtful of his own capabilities.

• Focus on Judges 6:34, where "the Spirit of the Lord came upon Gideon," transforming him from a fearful man into a courageous leader.

• Reflect on how God used Gideon to conquer the Midianites with just a small army, showcasing the power of divine empowerment.

Point 3: Saul - Leadership in Humility

Scripture Reference: 1 Samuel 10:1-10

• Present Saul's anointing as the first king of Israel, starting as an ordinary man from a humble tribe.

• Highlight 1 Samuel 10:10, where "the Spirit of God came powerfully upon him," enabling Saul to prophesy and lead.

• Discuss the importance of staying humble, as the Spirit's empowerment requires a heart open to God's guidance.

Point 4: Famous Bible Characters Who Failed Yet Were Used by God

1. Moses

• Failure: Moses killed an Egyptian in a fit of rage.

• Scripture Reference: Exodus 2:11-12

• Summary: Despite this grave mistake, God called Moses to lead the Israelites out of slavery, demonstrating that our failures do not disqualify us from His plans.

2. David

• Failure: David committed adultery with Bathsheba and orchestrated her husband's death.

• Scripture Reference: 2 Samuel 11:2-4, 11:14-15

• Summary: Even after these sins, David was known as "a man after God's own heart" (Acts 13:22), showing that God's grace can redeem the most flawed among us.

3. Peter

• Failure: Peter denied knowing Jesus three times during the Lord's trial.

• Scripture Reference: Matthew 26:69-75

• Summary: Despite his shortcomings, Peter was restored by Jesus and became a foundational leader in the early church, proving that failure is not the end of our purpose.

4. Rahab

• Failure: Rahab was a prostitute living in Jericho.

• Scripture Reference: Joshua 2:1

• Summary: God used Rahab to help the Israelite spies, and she is honored in the lineage of Christ (Matthew 1:5), demonstrating that our past does not limit our future.

5. Jonah

• Failure: Jonah ran away from God's command to preach to Nineveh.

• Scripture Reference: Jonah 1:1-3

• Summary: After being swallowed by a great fish and repenting, Jonah obeyed God's call, showing that divine purpose can prevail even through our reluctance.

6. Zacchaeus

• Failure: Zacchaeus was a dishonest tax collector, hated by his community.

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