Just A Cup Of Water
Contributed by Steven Cook on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: This message emphasizes the real reason why Christians should serve their King, Jesus Christ.
“Just a Cup of Water”
2 Samuel 23:1-5; 8; 13-17
Dr. Steven G. Cook
I. Introduction
A. There are few characters in the Word of God who attract our attention as much as the man, David.
B. He is mentioned more than any other character in the Bible, except the Lord Jesus Christ.
C. He is the only man in Word of God which is said about him, “He is a man after God’s own heart.”
D. The Lord desires us to examine the man – David.
E. Read – 2 Samuel 23:1-8a.
F. Right in the middle of listing some 37 mighty men of David (vs. 39), God reveals to us a very important story.
G. Let me read you that story – Read 2 Samuel 23:13-17
II. Mighty Men of David (2 Sam. 23:13-17)
A. Context of Mighty Men of David – Right after David recalls God’s everlasting covenant with him, God chooses to reveal to us the “Mighty Men of David”.
B. Why? In the Work of God there are 2 Things Always Evident:
1. The Unfailing Faithfulness of God
2. The Devotion of Mighty Men
C. Whenever God raises up a man, He always raises up “mighty men” to help him do that work.
D. Any where you find the “work of God” being done, you will always find this principle to be true – It was true in David’s life, and it is still true today!
E. Expound David’s 3 Anointings – David is brought before brothers, though the youngest of Jesse’s sons, Samuel anoints David (1st of 3 anointings). Of course, David is later anointed to be King over just 2 tribes, whom he rules for 7 years, and then later, David is anointed King over all of Israel, whom he rules a total of 40 years.
F. As God, by inspirational Spirit, gives us the mighty men of David, He pauses for a few verses to give us just ONE EVENT in 2 Samuel to relate to us.
G. Tonight, let us think about “A Cup of Water for the King”.
H. What distinguished these particular 37 men? They were not just mighty in Valor, they were mighty in FAITH!
I. Not all men that followed David were “Mighty Men” – Why? They were not mighty in FAITH!
J. Three Things Which Constitute a Mighty Man:
1. Mighty Men Must Love the Lord
a. If you are ever going to be a “Mighty Man” – You MUST be LOVE the Lord!
b. Any person who has ever been used of God was a person who had a “Passion for God; Who Loved the Lord Supremely in Their Life!”
c. The greatest question in the Believer’s Life is simply – “Do YOU Love the Lord?” Everything else in our lives will be settled IF we answer correctly.
d. Paul was NOT motivated by a LOST world; by millions who were dying in their sins – He said, “I am constrained by the LOVE of Christ!” We serve – NOT for THEM, but for HIM!
2. Mighty Men Must Lead Their Families
a. I’ve never met a man who could serve the Lord properly IF he did not first Lead his own family.
b. The reason why some men cannot serve God is because they haven’t done their “Homework!”
c. Homework must be done before Churchwork!
d. Only when our families have Confidence in us will they have confidence in our decisions concerning service for God.
e. The same is true in the church – Most pastors don’t stay long enough for the church to gain confidence in them at all.
3. Mighty Men Must Learn God’s Word
a. We can pray all we want, but God speaks to us through His Word for the most part.
b. Timothy’s mother and grandmother were “mighty women” because they shared with young Timothy the Word of God.
4. Mighty Men Must Love and Follow God’s Leaders
a. This is where many men have failed!
b. Don’t you love to be near people who have God’s good hand upon them? There is always an evidence of such leadership.
c. IF the preacher does not have integrity, don’t follow him!
d. God’s way is always to raise up a man, then raise up mighty men to help him do the job that needs doing.
III. A Cup of Water for the King (2 Sam. 23:13-17)
A. If you know anything of David’s life, you know that Saul sought his life!
B. Explain David vs. Goliath (1 Sam. 17) – From a nobody to a somebody.
C. “Courage” comes out of “Faith” – Not the other way around.
D. David was a man of faith – He had Real Confidence in God.
E. As soon as Goliath fell to the ground, people of Israel began to sing songs of David – Saul got jealous.