
Journeying with the Divine

Created by SermonCentral on Sep 10, 2023
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Exploring the essence of embarking on a spiritual journey with God, understanding His expectations, and living out Christian values.


Walking with God is about aligning our lives with His direction and purpose. It means following His way, which is clearly marked and always the best way. Walking with God involves proceeding at His pace, making progress, sharing intimacy, and ultimately arriving at our destination.

I. God's Way is Clearly Marked (1 John 2:6)

To walk with God, we must strive to live as Jesus did. This means imitating His character, actions, and teachings. By following His example, we can navigate the path that God has set before us.

II. God's Way is Always the Best Way (Psalm 1)

Blessed is the person who does not seek advice from the ungodly, stand in the path of sinners, or join the company of the scornful. The ungodly will not stand in judgment, nor will sinners be counted among the righteous. Choosing God's way leads to true blessings and fulfillment.

III. Proceeding at God's Pace

1. God's Purpose is Deliberate and Determined

God's plans and purposes will always come to pass. He has spoken them, and He will bring them to fruition. We can trust that His timing is perfect and that He will accomplish what He has set out to do.

2. God's Pace Varies

God's pace may differ at different times and for different reasons. Sometimes He moves swiftly, sometimes slowly, and sometimes He asks us to wait. We must be patient and trust in His timing, knowing that He is always working for our good.

IV. Making Progress

1. Walking with God Begins with the First Step (Salvation)

Before we can walk with God, we must first experience salvation through faith in Jesus Christ. This initial step sets us on the path of a new life in Him.

2. The Walk with God Continues with Successive Steps (Sanctification)

After salvation, our journey with God involves a series of steps as we grow and mature in our faith. Just as a newborn baby grows, we too must continue to grow spiritually, devoting ourselves to the teachings of the apostles and the fellowship of believers.

V. Sharing Intimacy

1. God Intimately Interacts with Human Beings

God seeks intimacy with us because of His love for us. He desires a close relationship with His children, and He initiates this interaction. Through His Spirit, He gives us new hearts and enables us to walk in His ways.

2. God Allows His Children to Share Their Lives with Him

God wants us to share our hopes, dreams, aspirations, as well as our frustrations, troubles, and disappointments with Him. He invites us to call upon Him, and He promises to answer and reveal great things to us.

VI. Arriving at a Destination

1. Reaching Our Potential in Life

God has created us for a purpose and good works. As we walk with Him, He guides us towards fulfilling our potential and using our gifts and talents for His glory.

2. Reaching Our Final Destination (Heaven)

By faith, we can have the assurance that just as Enoch was translated without experiencing death, we too can have eternal life with God in heaven. Pleasing God through our walk with Him leads us to our ultimate destination.


Walking with God is a lifelong journey that involves aligning our lives with His direction and purpose. It requires following His way, proceeding at His pace, making progress, sharing intimacy, and ultimately arriving at our destination. As we walk with God, may we continually seek His guidance and trust in His plans for our lives.

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