

PRO Sermon
Created by Sermon Research Assistant on Dec 26, 2023
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This sermon explores Joshua's life, emphasizing the power of obedience, learning from mistakes, and the victory that comes from trusting God in all circumstances.


Good morning, beloved family. It is a joy to gather with you, whether in person or in spirit, as we turn our hearts and minds to the timeless truths of God's Word. Today, we are going to walk alongside a man of faith, a man of courage, a man of obedience. His name is Joshua.

Joshua, a figure of steadfastness, a man who dared to believe when others doubted, a man who stood firm when others faltered. His life is a testament to the power of obedience, the lessons learned from mistakes, and the sweet taste of victory that comes from trusting God.

Charles Spurgeon once said, "To trust God in the light is nothing, but trust him in the dark—that is faith." Joshua's life is a shining example of this truth. He trusted God in the dark, he trusted God in the light, he trusted God in the face of giants and fortified cities. And through it all, God was faithful.

Let us pray. Heavenly Father, we thank You for Your Word, a lamp to our feet and a light to our path. As we study the life of Joshua today, open our eyes to see the truths You have for us. Help us to learn from Joshua's obedience, to grow through his mistakes, and to rejoice in his victories. May Your Word not just inform us, but transform us. In Jesus' name, we pray. Amen.

So, let's walk this road with Joshua. Let's see what his life has to teach us about obedience, about mistakes, and about victory. Ready? Let's go.

Joshua's Journey of Obedience

Joshua was obedient to God's commands. His life was marked by a steadfast commitment to doing what God asked of him, no matter the cost. This obedience wasn't born out of a sense of duty or obligation, but out of a deep love and reverence for God.

Joshua's obedience began early in his life. When Moses sent him and eleven others to spy out the land of Canaan, Joshua was one of only two who returned with a positive report, trusting in God's promise to give them the land. While the others saw giants and fortified cities, Joshua saw a land flowing with milk and honey, a land that God had promised to give them. His obedience in this instance was a testament to his faith in God's promises.

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But Joshua's obedience wasn't just about big moments like this. It was also about the small, everyday decisions he made to follow God's commands. Whether it was leading the Israelites in battle, or setting up the tabernacle, or teaching the people God's laws, Joshua was obedient in all things. It’s like 1 Samuel 15:22, "To obey is better than sacrifice."

Joshua obeyed no matter the circumstances. There were times when Joshua faced opposition, when the people grumbled and complained, when the task at hand seemed impossible. But in those moments, Joshua didn't waver. He didn't back down. He stood firm in his obedience to God, trusting that God would see him through.

Joshua's obedience was rooted in his faith in God's promises. He knew that God had promised to give the Israelites the land of Canaan, and he trusted in that promise. This faith wasn't blind or naive. It was based on a deep understanding of who God is and what He had done for the Israelites. Joshua had seen God's power and faithfulness firsthand, and this gave him the confidence to trust in God's promises.

Joshua's Journey through Mistakes

As we continue to walk alongside Joshua, we see that his life was not a straight path of unerring obedience ... View this full PRO sermon free with PRO

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