
Summary: What motivates a secret disciple of Jesus to remain underground? Where do you find those who are secret disciples of Jesus? The answer to these questions about secret disciples may surprise you.

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Have you ever wondered how a secret disciple of Jesus thinks and acts? What motivates a secret disciple of Jesus to remain underground? Where do you find those who are secret disciples of Jesus? The answer to these questions about secret disciples may surprise you.

If there is any passage of Scripture that should bring about righteous indignation for a follower of Christ, it is the recorded actions of the Sanhedrin just prior to the crucifixion of Jesus. Here we find this elite religious council of seventy looking for false evidence against Jesus to put him to death. This council went to extremes to humiliate Jesus when they spit in his face and struck him with their fists. (Matthew 26:59,67)

A council involved in this abhorrent activity would seem the least likely place to find secret disciples of Jesus. Joseph of Arimathea is identified to us specifically as a secret disciple of Jesus (John 19:38). Another member of the council, Nicodemus is very strongly implied to be a secret disciple of Jesus too. Not only do we find two extraordinary disciples of Jesus among this infamous council, but also we find them at the forefront during the most critical three-day juncture of human history.

The Sanhedrin: Where we find secret disciples of Jesus.

Let’s look at what an incredible council this Sanhedrin really was. The Sanhedrin was composed of seventy

members made up of the chief priests, scribes and elders. The presiding officer of the Sanhedrin was the

Jewish high priest. This council was the highest and final court of appeal for matters regarding

Mosaic Law.

We find the Sanhedrin influencing the circumstances of Jesus arrest and trial for their purposes. They wanted to see Jesus put to death. Even without the direct authority to execute anyone (John 18:31) this council managed to manipulate Pilate to bring about the crucifixion of Jesus.

It was the Sanhedrin that persuaded the crowd to ask for Barabbas to be released instead of Jesus. They even mocked Jesus while He was hanging on the cross. Out of this heinous Sanhedrin emerged Joseph of Arimathea the secret disciple and Nicodemous who much earlier had approached Jesus at night under the cover of darkness.

Just who is Joseph of Arimathea?

Joseph of Arimathea is one of the few who is mentioned in all four Gospels. His deed of giving his own tomb for Jesus burial was foretold by Isaiah in the suffering servant passage. (Is.53:9) “He made his grave with the rich.” The crucifixion is full of irony in that the anointed Messiah was a suffering servant, despised and punished. Another more overlooked irony is a disciple of Jesus was found among the Sanhedrin. Not only was Joseph of Arimathea a member of the exclusive seventy, Joseph was a prominent member of the Council. (Mark 15:43) We are also told that Joseph of Arimathea was a rich man. (Matthew 27:57)

Many commentaries do not place Joseph of Arimathea in favorable light. They emphasize the one negative statement of his “fear of the Jews.” There are numerous positive aspects mentioned in the Scriptures about Joseph. He was a good and upright man. He had not consented to the Sanhedrin decision and action to see Jesus executed. Luke describes Joseph of Arimathea much like he did old Simeon who blessed Joseph and Mary when they took Jesus to the temple. Joseph of Arimathea was waiting for the kingdom of God. He acted at the right time, in the right way, to the right degree to bring glory to God.

Joseph of Arimathea is the main figure in the burial of Jesus. Every Gospel writer is familiar with Joseph and each writer mentioned he is of Arimathea. Nowhere else in the Bible is Arimathea mentioned, outside Jesus burial account and in reference to Joseph. Biblical background experts do not even know where Arimathea is. Luke tells us it is a Judean town, but you won’t find Arimathea on a Bible map.

The Burial of Jesus

After Jesus death Joseph asked Pilate for the body. Mark mentions that he went boldly to Pilate when he asked for Jesus body. Pilate was careful because members of the Sanhedrin had manipulated him once already this day. Pilate was not going to simply take this good and upright man at his word. Joseph of Arimathea was, after all a member of the scheming Sanhedrin. Pilate summoned the Centurion and was surprised to hear Jesus was already dead and then ordered the body be given to Joseph.

With Pilate’s permission, Joseph took the body down from the cross with the help of his fellow council member, Nicodemus the same who earlier had visited Jesus at night. (John Chapter 3) This is also the Nicodemus who opposed his fellow council members when he found they were condemning Jesus in a way contrary to the Mosaic Law. (John 7:50-52).

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Sue Queenan

commented on Oct 31, 2013

Was Joseph of Arimathea present when the Sanhedrin council voted to crucify Jesus and was he one of the voters? I have read where he was not present when the vote was taken but need verification of this. Thank you.

Charles A. Floyd, Ii

commented on Feb 11, 2015

Hi Sue, The Bible does not answer your question, so one cannot speculate whether he was or was not.

Miguel Lahunken

commented on Jun 29, 2017

Thanks to modern medicine, the supreme grand lodge secret can be printed on a bumper sticker: "VAGAL STIMULATION IS AS EFFECTIVE AS LSD". The "chakras" in the trunk of the body are actually muscarinic plexuses that branch off the vagus nerve. The body's chakras are simply plexuses of the parasympathetic nervous system. They are composed of acetylcholine mediated neurons which are especially sensitive to muscarine (called "soma" in India) and therefore these neurons are called muscarinic neurons. The muscarinic neurons in the brain compose what has been called the Sahasrara Chakra. About 90% of the brain is kept dormant by inhibitory neurons which are mediated by seratonin. LSD blocks seratonin and thereby awakens more of the brain. But also, these inhibitory neurons may be overriden by stimulating muscarinic nerves, and therefore have the same effect as LSD. This has been the biggest secret in the Western World. But, in the old Soviet Union a disease of the parasympathetic nervous system called "shamans' disease" was allowed to be open public knowledge. Shamans' disease is an overriding of the inhibitory neurons caused by scar tissue in the parasympathetic nervous system. In the Western World people with shamans' disease have been labled schizophrenics. So now you see, LSD intoxication, shaman's disease, aroused Kundalini, and schizophrenia are all the same thing, an overactive brain. Crucifixion forces enough holotropic breathing to cause body switching backward and forward in time into everyone who had been seen. Waterboarding does the same thing and thereby replaced LSD for the Clockwork Orange treatment.

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