Jordan's Junction Series
Contributed by Todd Pope on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: Part #2 of "Josh's Journey" series, looking at 4 different scenes from Joshua's life
Last week we started a 4-week series on the Old Testament character, Joshua, called “Josh Journey”.
• He was one of the 12 spies that checked out Canaan.
• He was the one that led the Israelites into the promised land.
• The Jordan River parted for him
• He led them into victory over Jericho
• The sun stood still during one of their battles
Josh had quite the journey! Last week we talked about how all 12 spies were in the same place, saw the same people, experienced the same sights, sounds and smells but 10 of them had a much different report from Caleb and Joshua. We learned that:
When we see God correctly, it puts our difficulties in perspective
Today, we are going to look at another snap shot of Joshua’s life. The young man that was Moses right-hand assistant, who was one of the 12 spies that went into Canaan has aged a little. He is now 40 years older having wandered in the wilderness with the rest of the Israelites. Moses has died. Joshua has been named the leader who will take God’s people into the Promised Land.
Have you ever been asked to do something that was:
• WAY beyond you?
• WAY bigger than your experience?
• WAY more than your skill set?
• Perhaps it was a job promotion or transfer
• Maybe it was starting a new Bible study at work
• Taking over a thriving business from your retiring boss
“Now put yourself in Joshua’s sandals for a moment and let the reality of Moses’ death and his new role sink in. The only leader Joshua (and the Israelites for that matter) had EVER known was Moses the friend of God (Ex. 33:11). Moses had led them out of Egypt while Joshua was just a boy. Moses had led them through the Red Sea. God had used Moses to provide water, food, clothing, and shelter. Under Moses’ leadership, the Israelites had experienced the pillar of cloud by day and fire by night. Under Moses’ leadership, the tabernacle had been constructed and the ark of the covenant and the various elements for worship fashioned. Moses had come down from the mountain of God with the Ten Commandments engraved by the very finger of God. And on and on and on it went: Moses this and Moses that, and now Joshua was supposed to step into Moses’ sandals and take up the mantle of leadership.”
How would YOU be feeling?
Joshua 1:1-9
What did God speak to Joshua in these first 9 verses?
Lead my people
• Everywhere you go, you will be on land I HAVE given you
• No one will be able to defeat you because I WILL BE WITH YOU
• I will not fail you or abandon you.
• Be strong and courageous
• Be strong and VERY courageous
• Obey my laws and you will be successful
• Study my Word continually
• Be strong and courageous.
• Do not be afraid or discouraged for I am with you
It’s NOT ENOUGH to HEAR what God speaks. We must BELIEVE!
Let me tell you or perhaps remind you that Joshua is the Hebrew form of the name Jesus, Yeshua. It means “Jehovah is salvation”. The words that God spoke to Joshua sound similar to words that Jesus spoke to us.
• “I AM WITH YOU ALWAYS, even to the end of the age.”
• “But Jesus spoke to them at once. ‘Don’t be afraid,’ He said. ‘Take courage. I am here!’”
• “If you love me, obey my commandments.”
• “Jesus replied, ‘But even more blessed are all who hear the word of God and put it into practice.’”
• “So don’t be afraid; you are more valuable to God than a whole flock of sparrows.”
• “I will never leave you or forsake you”
Why did God have to tell Joshua all the things that He told him?
If you felt courageous, would you need someone to keep reminding you to BE courageous? If you felt strong, would you need someone to keep telling you to BE strong? Joshua felt weak. Joshua felt fear and it was very natural. This huge responsibility was being placed upon him. However, it was CRITICAL for him to know ONE thing.
V. 5 – “No one will be able to stand their ground against you as long as you live. FOR I WILL BE WITH YOU as I was with Moses. I will not fail you or abandon you.”
Joshua evidently BELIEVED what God said, because the next thing he is doing is commanding the leaders of Israel and having them get ready to enter the Promised Land. It’s hard to fake that kind of confidence. Look what it did for the people.