
Summary: A joker is somebody who is generally not serious or who should not be taken seriously. At a particular night vigil which was attended by about 200 people, there was somebody who was a tough child of the devil. He was very effective because his spiritual e

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Who is a joker? A joker is somebody who is generally not serious or who should not be taken seriously. At a particular night vigil which was attended by about 200 people, there was somebody who was a tough child of the devil. He was very effective because his spiritual eyes were open. He had what you could call "X-ray eyes." X-ray eyes give satanic people the ability to look at you straight in the eyes and know your spiritual level as a Christian without consulting anything. So, as the people at the night vigil were singing a popular song which describes satanic powers as powerless power, this man with the demonic x-ray eyes could see that if these powers referred to as powerless powers should come there, only about one third of those singing could successfully counter them. This means that two third of them at the vigil were spiritual jokers fooling themselves as far as warfare is concerned.

As far as God is concerned, there are many jokers on the battlefield of life. It is so serious that God actually concluded that some of them are as good as dead men, i.e. corpses on the battlefield. Revelation 3:1 says: "And unto the angel of the church in Sardis write: These things saith he that hath the seven Spirits of God and the seven stars; I know thy works, that thou hast a name that thou livest, and art dead" As far as God was concerned, those people did not exist. They were corpses on the battlefield or jokers at the battlefront. In the eyes of the satanic powers too, they are jokers. The worst spiritual jokers are those who do not know and do not agree that they do not know. There are other jokers; those who know but do not even know that they know.

Who are the greatest jokers?

Deuteronomy 32:29 says: "O that they were wise, that they understood this, that they would consider their latter end!" The greatest fools are those who do not think about the end. They are only concerned about the present. No matter what a man is today, everything ceases to operate immediately he stops breathing. Many people have the erroneous impression that it is only old people that die quick. But the young die too. It is unfortunate that the only time some people think about the inevitable end is when they see a funeral procession or when they pass by a cemetery.

There was a sister who by the time she died, had 670 dresses and 300 pairs of shoes in her wardrobe. Only one of those dresses was used to bury her, all the others were useless to her. It is a pity that many people die like fools. It is better not to have been born at all than for somebody to fail to make eternity. It is a big disaster to be unprepared for judgement. That is why that song writer says, "It is sad to face the judgement unprepared, because judgement will find you the way death finds you." We know that death generally does not give any warning. Your being born into this world is your opportunity to prove to God that you are qualified for heaven. It is a beginning from which there is no return. There is no reverse journey in life, even with the so-called "ogbanjes," who they claim come back to life after death. It is a lie of the devil. It is a demon power or familiar spirit that enters into the baby each time the mother gets pregnant, to manipulate the baby as soon as he is born. Death is a commitment from which there is no escape.

A scientist can discover all kinds of medication to stop all kinds of problems, but when the scientist himself is having problems, and cannot help himself, it then becomes a very serious problem. The other time they brought a doctor to me, I perceived immediately that the devil had dealt with him. I asked him if he had tried to treat himself. He said, "yes, but there has been no solution." So, I told him, "It is good for you to know that there is something greater than medical knowledge, something greater than your certificate, and for you to know of the existence of another doctor who can do more than a medical doctor." We prayed. The Lord touched him and he was healed. Here was a doctor who was keeping people from dying but could not help himself. When he found that he was dying, he had to look for help from the source of life - Jesus.

When you are born, you commence on a journey from this world to the next. That journey must be continued to the end. So, it is utter foolishness for any man to presume that he can find God on his death bed, God gives no guarantee to foolishness. If you are neglecting the opportunity God is giving to you, you are rejecting His grace. If you are resisting His divine call, it is spiritual suicide. As far as the spiritual world is concerned, there is no sudden destruction. It is always a gradual process. For example, if you are sleeping with anybody outside marriage, it is spiritual suicide. You are killing yourself gradually and making the enemy to rejoice.

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