
Summary: Praise is more than an expression of lip service: it is a daily life style. It is more than a jubilant worship song. It is an attitude. It is more than a bubbly personality. It is the way we live our life in appreciation for The Lord. It is obedience

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The Law, Sin and Redemption… God is good! His mercies endure forever!

Ps 106:1, “Praise the LORD. Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good; his love endures forever.”

For those of you looking for something precious to give to the most passionate love of your heart: Jesus Christ, the Savior and redeemer of your soul, His message is a message of praise.

Today, the number one request on His wish list is your praise.

Praise is more than an expression of lip service: it is a daily life style. It is more than a jubilant worship song. It is an attitude. It is more than a bubbly personality. It is the way we live our life in appreciation for The Lord. It is obedience to His Will, conformance to His ways, and compliance with His purpose and mission for this world. Praise is the Gospel evangelized and the expression of the heart on fire for Jesus, and the icing on the cake: the very surface of our praise (not the substance of it, but the emotional expression of it) is the praise of our lips.

Today, God wants all these things from you.

Say it with me today: Hallelujah!!!

Hallelujah means Praise Ye The Lord.

? How many of you are happy in the Lord today? How many are rejoicing in what you have instead of sulking about what you don’t have?

How many have found the key and learned the secret of praise: to be content in the situation which you have found yourself in and to offer God His due praise regardless of the darkness of the bleak situation you think you’re in?

? How many set aside time every day to offer God a sacrifice of praise?

How many place thanks and praise as FIRST PRIORITY on your prayer list?

If you’re longing for peace today, and you’re desperate to connect with God on an extremely intimate level, if you’re looking to Him and not the world to fulfill the deepest desires of your heart today, then JOIN THE SYMPHONY and ENTER HIS COURTS WITH PRAISE!

Ps 100:3-5, “Know that the LORD is God. It is he who made us, and we are his; we are his people, the sheep of his pasture. Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise; give thanks to him and praise his name. For the LORD is good and his love endures forever; his faithfulness continues through all generations.”


Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr., was a member of the U.S. Supreme Court for 30 years. At one point in his life, Justice Holmes explained why he chose to be a judge by saying: "I might have entered the ministry if certain clergymen I knew had not looked and acted so much like undertakers."

So where is the joy? Where is the "always" rejoicing in the Lord? Where is the "always" giving praise with joy in our hearts for the great things He has done?

We should be a people of whom it is said, “These are people of praise!”

Joyful things should be the produce of our tongues and the fruit of our lips!

A country man without a car had an emergency and needed a ride into town urgently needed a ride into town. He went to his neighbor who happened to be a pastor and asked to borrow his horse.

The pastor lent him the horse and gave him his ten second instruction session on how to ride this particular horse. The preacher said, “Since we need to begin our prayers with thanksgiving and praise, I have taught the horse to go when he hears the words ‘Praise The Lord!’”

He also said, “Since we typically end our prayers with ‘Amen,’ I taught the horse to stop when he hears the word ‘amen.’”

The pastor asked the man if he understood, and the man answered, “sure.” So he got on the horse and said, “Praise The Lord!” Off he went in a bolt of thunder! Riding into town as fast as he could, he said it again and again… “PRAISE THE LORD, PRAISE THE LORD!!! And the horse moved faster.

About that time they reached the crest of a hill and the man realized he was headed straight for a cliff! He yelled Whoa! But the horse didn’t even slow down. Frantically, he hollered, “Stop, whoa, retreat, cease, sprechen ze doich!!!” but for the life of him could not remember what to say to get the horse to stop.

Finally, he remembered the command and shouted “Amen.” With that, the horse dug in with all fours, stopping only inches from the edge of the cliff.

Gasping for air the man looked over the edge, wiping the sweat off his forehead and, realizing he was alive he said, ‘PRAISE THE LORD!!!’”

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