Jesus The Paralyzed Diety
Contributed by Arliss Beavers on Apr 4, 2008 (message contributor)
Summary: Jesus was addicted to sinners, paralyzed to the cross, deaf to his critics, dumb as a lamb before his shearers
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10-29-07 Jesus the paralyzed diety
Isiah 53:7
Title: Paralyzed to the cross
Before the sermon, if Christ were to speak directly to us, this might well be His very words:
A bottom line conclusion message from Christ:
- Your sins had me nailed there
- my love for you had me out of my mind
- another mind, that is, the mind of my father
Now a story: As told by a female paralytic
The following story, I heard on TV
while listening, I wrote as fast as I could (the details)
the best I can remember, this is the ladies story
When swimming in the Atlantic in 1967
- I loved sports was very athletic
- one of my favorite pastimes was as a hockey player and I also played baseball
- I dove off of a wharf in Chesapeak Bay with my female friend
- but I came back up face down in the water
- Now, My legs won’t work
- my hands are shriveled up and useless
- I am life-time bound to this wheel chair
I asked my friend to give me lots of pills
- I asked her to slice my wrists I would not feel a thing
- just let me bleed until I bleed to death
She climbed up into bed with me at the hospital
- and sang me a gospel song of Christ (about His suffering for me)
I was very bitter about life and only wanted to die
- Until I herd from Jesus who was bound to a tree
- Surely fear at times took its toll
- but he had a heart transplant that thought only of dying men
- his hands could not move
- His feet were held fast
- A spear took his last source of strength
His Fathers words, held him tightly to the cross
- His voice would not cry out
All I got from her song was this message from God:
"I gave my only begotton son, as a ransom for many! He could not get away from His task".
- Today: married to a wonderful husband with only love to hold us together
But today I had rather be paralyzed in my wheel chair and have the Lord
than to be standing erect, and have to live without Him
This is what I gained from her interesting story
Jesus was not a paralytic
- yet he was paralyzed by his own desires
Jesus was paralyzed to self
- He was a King (but did not broadcast it)
- He was our High Priest (for ever, after the order of Melchezideck)
- He was the Son of God (with all power over Heaven and Earth)
Jesus was paralyzed to selfishness ( no why me Father?)
Jesus was paralyzed to his own image (only to please the Father)
Jesus was paralyzed to his own emotions (no whimpering/whining)
Jesus was paralyzed against revenge (getting even)
Jesus was paralyzed against prejudices (who-so-ever-will let him come)
Jesus was paralyzed against putting woman in her place
(woman at the well)
- woman who washed his feet in tears and dried them with her hair
- she wasn’t a woman of integrity
- the two women at the tomb (go tell my disciples that I have risen)
Jesus was paralyzed to his own needs (i.e marriage or to own a home) (He had no place to lay his head).
Jesus was paralyzed to his own ambitions (only to do the will of my Father)
- when dying on the cross (He still had time for the thief
Jesus was paralyzed to pride
Jesus was paralyzed to his own financial needs (coin in fishes mouth)
Jesus was paralyzed towards fear (rebuked the wind and the sea)
Jesus was paralyzed towards fame, (satan offered him all the kingdoms of the world)
Lost humanity was so deeply etched into his heart
it made the pain of the cross of no over whelming significance
Jesus was paralyzed towards embarassment
cursed is the man who is hanged on a tree
he became sin for us
he took the spitting
he accepted the loss of some of his beard (being plucked out)
he accepted the false accusers accusations
- and he opened not his mouth
He was paralyzed towards loosing focus
He never forgot his purpose (“not to condemn the world, but to save”)
He accepted the mock scarlet purple royal robe
He accepted the kings crown (of thorns)
They took away most of his clothing (cast lots for one seamless part)
Mine and your sins nailed him to the cross
the nails could not have held him there
His compassion for mankind held him there
Roman law, nor Roman authority held him there
He was paralyzed to the cross by his own compassion