
Summary: Getting to know the Lord up close and personal seems like it should just be a natural thing that evolves with time. I mean after all, if someone were going to take you to the most wonderful place ever known to mankind and you were going to spend eternity

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Jesus, Take The Wheel!

2nd Corn. 5:17 HCSB.

17. Therefore if anyone is in Christ, there is a new creation; old things have passed away, and look, new things have come.

Christians go through through this experience, or at least they should, when they accept Jesus to be their personal Savior.

The salvation experience is undoubtedly, the most important experience one will ever have with the Lord,

Because, its in that moment that you know for sure, should something ever happen,

You are going to be spending eternity with the Savior in Heaven, but it is only the beginning.

Its the first chapter out of hundreds of chapters just waiting to be written about our journey and our relationship with our loving Abba Father. Amen?

God never intended salvation to be, the beginning and end of our getting to know Him.

Salvation is just a starting point, in our relationship with Him, an introduction so to speak of.

Oft to many times people never make it to the growing period, in our relationship with Jesus,

which should be and is your whole life long, if you will let it be.

Getting to know the Lord up close and personal seems like it should just be a natural thing that evolves with time.

I mean after all, if someone were going to take you to the most wonderful place ever known to mankind and you were going to spend eternity with Him there,

Wouldn’t you think, you would want to get to know Him before hand, before the day arrived.

Its mind boggling isn’t it? So many want to go, but so few really want to get to know the one whose coming to pick them up before He gets here!

God didn’t design it that way you know, He made it easy to get to know Him,

John 3:16 NKJ

16. For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.

17. For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved.

All we have to do is believe, how could something so easy be so hard for so many?

So many churches in every community,

So many opportunities to worship the Great creator,

So few willing to make a commitment to be found faithful, concerning the things of God.

If the world would just wake up and realize, everything that they are looking for:








All those things and more, can be found in and only through the one who created them, why would anyone look anywhere else.

Because they don’t know, that’s why!

Or they know and refuse to believe.

Jesus came so we could experience all that God has to offer us, which is everything that Jesus has available to him!

With everything that Jesus has available to Him on the line,

Why wouldn’t everyone want to Know Him?

That’s a question that has been asked all down through history.

And for the ones who do know Him as their Lord and Savior,

why wouldn’t they want to know more of Him and strengthen their relationship with Him on a daily basis?

Because the more we get to know of Him, the less it becomes about us and the more it becomes about Him!

The more of the control in our lives we turn over to God, the less control we have to hang on to.

2nd Corn. 5:14-15 NASB.

14. For the love of Christ controls us, having concluded this, that one died for all, therefore all died;

15. and He died for all, so that they who live might no longer live for themselves, but for Him who died and rose again on their behalf.

Does turning over control of our lives and destiny to God, mean that were out of control?

I think sometimes, people think and feel that way.

Most would never admit it, but lack of control issues, keep us from receiving everything that God has for us!

But I say, if being out of control of my life means having Gods goodness, blessings

and unmerited Favor showered on and all over my life.

Then I don’t want to be just out of control, I want to be totally out of control of my life and let God Have Complete Control and His Way In My Life.

You see, the Power of God in your Life, should be and is, a Life Changing Experience!

No one can ever be in His Presence and remain the same!

Each time someone comes to church and experiences the Presence and Power of God, they should never leave the same as they were when they came in.

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