Jesus Sends Out The Twelve Series
Contributed by Gordon Curley on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: Jesus Sends Out The Twelve - the challenge to evangelise. (PowerPoint slides to accompany this talk are available on request – email: gcurley@gcurley.info)
responsibility (vs 7)
reliance (vs 8-10)
repentance (vs 12)
reward (vs 13)
• Some people are naturally pessimists;
• They would rather see the negative than the positive.
• I like the story of the man and his dog were walking along the beach,
• When they came upon another visitor to the beach.
• The owner of the dog was proud of his dog’s latest trick;
• So he said to the visitor, "Watch this!"
• Whereupon he threw a piece of driftwood far out into the sea;
• And the dog instead of swimming out to get the wood;
• The dog ran on top of the water, fetched the wood, and ran back.
• The visitor was not too impressed;
• He turned to the owner of the dog and said; "Your dog can’t swim, can he?"
• In November 1837, distinguished British physicist Dionysius Lardner;
• Proved mathematically with equations nobody could question,
• That a steamship would be incapable of a non-stop voyage to New York.
• He printed copies of his proof and they arrived in New York 24th April, 1838;
• The only problem was they arrived onboard a ship called ‘the Sirius’;
• Which was the first ship to cross the Atlantic entirely by steam.
This chapter (No 6) shows us various instances that of unbelief:
• Last week in verses 1-6: You saw opposition to Jesus in his home town.
• In verses 6-13: We will see opposition to the 12 disciples when they tell about Jesus.
• In verses 14-29: There is opposition to John the Baptist by Herod and his family.
• This morning I want us to focus in on verses 6-13:
• And glean some principles concerning sharing our faith.
(1). Responsibility (vs 7).
“Calling the Twelve to him, he began to send them out two by two and gave them authority over impure spirits.”
• Notice that Jesus entrusted the job of sharing the gospel to his disciples
• They were responsible for taking the message of Jesus to others.
• King George V was to give the opening address at a special disarmament conference,
• The speech was to be relayed by radio to the U.S.A.
• As the broadcast was about to begin, a cable broke in the New York radio station,
• And more than a million listeners were left without sound.
• A junior mechanic in the station,
• A man called Harold Vivien,
• Solved the problem by picking up both ends of the cable;
• And allowing 250 volts of electricity to pass through him.
• Harold Vivien became the living link that allowed the king’s message;
• To get through to the people!
• Now I am sure you can see the application of that story:
• God is in the communication business;
• He expects his people (Christians) to be became the living link;
• That will allow the king’s message to get through to the people!
Question: Did you notice - everyone had a job to do? (verse 7)
• He sent out all 12 of the disciples!
• Jesus has a mission for every Christian
• While it is true that some of us are teachers, some are pastors, some are evangelists,
• Some are encouragers, some are supporters, some are….etc.
• Let me remind you that every Christian is a witness!
• We are all called to get involved and do something!
• When the Titanic was sinking there were three other ships in the region.
• The nearest was the ‘Sampson’ whose crew was involved in illegal hunting.
• Not wanting to get caught, they turned away from those who needed rescuing.
• The next ship was the ‘Californian’;
• Whose crew were so afraid of sharing the Titanic’s fate they proceeded very cautiously.
• Perhaps they were annoyed because they had tried to warn the Titanic.
• The third ship was the ‘Carpathia’ which came as quickly as possible.
• They risked their own lives and were able to rescue more than 700 people.
• “You and I are Plan A to reach a lost world;
• Remember that there is no Plan B.
• If we do not ‘Go’ they will not hear!”
(b). Reliance (verses 7).
“Calling the Twelve to him, he began to send them out two by two and gave them authority over impure spirits”.
• The way Jesus sent the disciples out was quite deliberate;
• He wanted to develop their faith, their trust, and their reliance in him!
• But these disciples were still spiritually young.
• They had only been with him for a short time.
• They very much had their ‘L’ plates on!
• If you want to become a good fisherman;